Chapter Four: Spookeez, South and Monster

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Charmy and Tails were in a dark, moon-lit room with a set of stairs to the far right going up and a large window on the wall that casts a shadow on the floor. The moon, some clouds and a leafless tree with jagged branches can be seen through the window.

Charmy: [Nervously] I don't like this place...

Tails: Calm down, Charmy. All we have to do is find Skid and Pump, have a singing battle with them, get the Portal Tickets and we'll be out of here in about ten minutes.

Charmy: [Turns around to see two shadowy figures. One of them looked like a pumpkin monster while the other one looked like a scary skeleton. The skeleton figure was on top of the pumpkin one. Charmy screamed as he jumped onto Tails]

Tails: What's wrong, Char... [Screams as he also sees the shadowy figures] What are those things?! [Points at flashlight towards the shadowy figures, revealing that it was Skid and Pump]

Skid and Pump: Hi!

Tails: [Sighs in relief] It's okay. They're just kids.

Charmy: But what if they're corrupted?

Tails: They look normal to me. [To Skid and Pump] What's your guy's names?

Skid: [Points at himself] I am Skid! [Points at Pump] This is Pump! [Points at Tails and Charmy] Who are you?!

Tails: I'm Tails.

Charmy: I'm Charmy.

Tails: You mind if we ask you guys a question?

Skid: Of course!

Pump: Ask us anything!

Charmy: First of all, why are you guys wearing costumes in the middle of June?

Pump: Because it is the Spooky Month!

Charmy: It's Spooky Month?! [Does the Spooky Dance while Tails looked at him in annoyence]

Tails: [Nudges Charmy] Focus Charmy!

Charmy: [Stop doing the Spooky Dance] Sorry. Second of all, do you guys wanna have a singing battle?

Skid and Pump: Yeah!!!

Tails: Well do you guys also have two golden tickets with you?

Pump: Yeah!!! [Shows Charmy and Tails the Portal Tickets]

Skid: We were gonna give them to Boyfriend and Girlfriend as a present today, but Boyfriend got sick and Girlfriend had to stay and look after him!

Tails: Tell you kids what. If we beat you in a singing battle, then can we have those?

Skid: That sounds like a great idea!

Pump: Let's rock!

Charmy: Hey Tails. Can I climb onto your back like they're doing?

Tails: Fine, but just until we beat them. [Charmy climbs onto Tails' back]






🎶My name is Skid!


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