four: quit

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1 year later...

Yeonjun's POV:

I was cleaning up the kitchen when I heard the front door open, knowing it was Soobin. I rolled my eyes when I looked at the time; 10:45 pm. He always gets home late when they're in season and it drives me a little crazy. Especially now trying to take care of Jochan by myself with work on top of it is exhausting.

"Hey, Jun..." He quietly said as he dropped his bag at the door, "Jochan's asleep, isn't he?"

I scoffed, "You know his bedtime is eight thirty..." I turned around from cleaning the stove, crossing my arms over my chest, "You said you would be home so we could all eat dinner together."

Soobin rubbed his eyes, looking so drained. He walked over to the kitchen where I was, "I know, I'm sorry—"

"Channie was excited the whole day and when he came home from school that he'd get to eat dinner with both of his appas for once. He didn't even get to see you at all today."

"I'm sorry..." Soobin said, hanging his head low, "I-I thought I would get home in time—"

"We had dinner five hours ago. I tucked him in by myself for the fourth time so far this week. We waited almost an hour for you." I cut him off, the anger coursing through me.

Soobin took a few steps closer, "I'm so sorry. Promise, I'll make it up to you."

"Do you really mean that or are you just gonna flake at the last minute like usual?..." I replied, not caring how petty I sounded, "You have a son to think about now, in case you forgot. You should be apologizing to him."

Soobin was silent, opening his mouth and closing it repeatedly like he wanted to say something. Nothing came out, so I shook my head. I clenched my jaw because I didn't want to say this, but I had to, "I-I think it would be better if you slept on the couch tonight."

He quickly picked his head up, "What? Baby, please..." He pleaded, reaching out to touch me.

I flinched away, "Don't touch me..." I took a step away from him, "You know where the extra blankets are." I added before walking away, hearing Soobin calling for me as I made my way up the steps. I didn't turn back.

As soon as I got to our bedroom, I closed the door and pressed my back against it. I took a deep breath, feeling my eyes water from what I just said. This is the last thing I want to do, but I feel like I'm out of options at this point. How many times have I tried to explain to him that he needs to be home more? How many times have I told him that Channie misses him? How many times have I told him that I miss him? I feel like he's fading away... The one person I made a vow to spend the rest of my life with is drifting away from me.

I bit my lip when it started to shake, sliding down the door to sit on the floor instead. I brought my knees to my chest, feeling like I was sinking. There was a soft knock on the door, hearing form the other side, "Jun? P-Please, can we talk?"

I sniffled, knowing he was probably sitting on the other side of the door like I was, "I-I'm tired of talking..." I replied, pursing my lips, "How many t-talks have we had? H-Have they solved anything?"

I heard a sniffle come from the other side of the door, "I-I'm so sorry. I-I feel terrible."

"I know you do..." I was quick to reply, "B-But that doesn't make up for the time you lost with us, and not just from today..." I brought a hand up to wipe the tears on my face, taking a deep breath as I stood up from the floor. I looked back at the door, and a few seconds went by without an answer, "Goodnight, Soobin." I quietly said before going into the bathroom to wash up.

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