six: stressed

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Soobin's POV:

Yeonjun and Jochan are already home by the time I get back from work. Usually, Yeonjun starts dinner before I'm back and it's almost done by the time I'm here, but I didn't smell anything when I walked through the front door. I scrunched my eyebrows when I didn't see anyone either, the kitchen looking the same from this morning. I took my bag off my shoulder, placing it down on the floor as I called out, "Jun? Hey, I'm home."

"I'm in the office!" He called back, and then I heard quick footsteps coming towards me.

I smiled when I saw Channie running over to me, which I guess he was coming from Yeonjun's office down the hall, "Daddy!"

I chuckled, leaning down to quickly pick him up as he ran over to me. I lifted him up over my head and spun around a little, hearing him giggle as I brought him back down to my height and held him, "How's my favorite little guy doing?"

"Good!" He replied, wrapping his arms around my neck to hug me.

"How was school?" I asked, turning a little so I could kiss the top of his head.

"I got to paint in art class and my teacher said I did a good job! And then we had story time in the reading room. And then lunch was yummy! And then we started writing our own stories!" He said so fast, that huge smile on his face since it seemed like he had fun. I guess he wanted to tell me so much that he didn't know where to start.

I smiled back, making my way to Jun's office since he still hadn't come into the living room yet, "Channie, that's awesome! Did you tell appa you were writing a story?"

He nodded, "Yeah! But he said to wait until you were here because I wanted to tell you too."

"Well, I can't wait to hear all about it..." I replied, stopping at the doorframe to Yeonjun's office. His desk faces the wall on the other side, so he didn't see me by the door. He looked like he was grading papers or something, and he looked really focused, "Babe?"

Yeonjun glanced back at me, putting his pen down and hurrying to stand up. I'm not sure what the rush was for, but he seemed a bit panicky, "Hey, sorry I haven't started dinner. I just have so many essays to grade and I still need to make lesson plans for tomorrow—"

"Hey..." I whispered, "It's ok, just breathe..." I can tell when he's stressed out about something, like right now. He's a bit all over the place when he's stressed and has a lot of things to do. It's almost like he doesn't quite know where to begin, so he goes back and forth doing different things all at once. I could tell since there were so many papers on his desk, and they didn't seem to be in any particular order, "I'll make dinner, ok?"

I knew he had so many things to do when he quickly kissed me and replied, "Thank you." Before going back over to his desk. Usually, he would fight me on it by saying, 'oh, you don't have to' or 'well, I can still help' or something like that. But when he doesn't even think about it and almost takes a breath of relief, I can tell he has things he needs to get done. It worries me when he's like this. Sometimes he just can't organize everything in his head, and he gets too overwhelmed to do anything.

I pursed my lips when he picked his pen back up right away, hesitating to say, "Don't overwork yourself, ok?"

"Yup, I'm good." He replied right away, not even turning to look at me. I pouted a bit, not wanting to bother him more and just going back into the kitchen with Jochan to start dinner.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I've just been looking at my phone for the last hour in bed, waiting for Jun to come. I usually wait for him to finish getting washed up before I go to bed, but after he brushed his teeth, he went straight back downstairs to grade more essays. We put Jochan to bed a while ago, and he's been non-stop working ever since then. I don't really know what the rush is to keep working at eleven at night. I know it might not seem that late, but when you have to wake up at five thirty every morning to get to work, it's way too late. I wake up a little later to eat breakfast with them, and even I'm tired right now.

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