twelve: the date

536 31 11

Soobin's POV:

"Dad?" Jochan called out, making me look up from my plate.

We were all sitting and having breakfast together, and he seemed excited about something, "Yeah?"

"Sooo~, I was thinking since you guys are going out tonight can I invite Ben over?" He asked, smiling.

I raised an eyebrow, "To do what?" I asked, knowing Yeonjun probably had the same question.

He shrugged, "I don't know. Play games; watch a movie. He's been begging to watch 'The Greatest Showman' with me."

I still raised an eyebrow, glancing over at Yeonjun because he was probably thinking the same thing I was. He chuckled when our eyes met, replying, "Dad and I will think about it."

Jochan scrunched his eyebrows, "He's come over when you're not home before, though."

"Well, that was before we knew he was your boyfriend." I said, picking up a strawberry on my plate and eating it.

Jochan groaned, rolling his eyes, "Oh my god, we're not going to do anything!"

Yeonjun and I both laughed, hearing my husband reply, "How about you finish your homework first and then we'll talk?"

He leaned on the table, placing his elbows down, "But I only have a project to do and it's not due until next week. A-And Ben's parents don't let him stay out past eleven anyways. It's not like we're going to throw a party here or anything."

"You better not." I quickly said.

He rolled his eyes again, "Who would I even invite?..." He replied, looking between both of us with his little puppy eyes, "Please?"

I sighed, "Appa and I will talk about it, ok? We know you're not going to do anything stupid, just let us talk about it."

He huffed, pursing his lips as he quietly said, "Ok..." A few seconds passed by before his phone dinged, and he smiled as he looked at the notification, "Ben's here – gotta go..." He quickly said, smiling wider as he stood up and grabbed his varsity jacket, putting his arms in the sleeves as he said, "Love you guys."

I smiled, Yeonjun and I saying at the same time, "Love you too."

We giggled and looked at each other since we were in harmony, and Jochan laughed lightly as well, "Yeah, that was weird..." He replied, putting his backpack on as he said, "Have a good day."

I smiled wider, "Have a good day at school, bud."

"We'll see you tonight before we leave." Yeonjun replied, and he smiled at both of us before he turned around and walked towards the front door.

It was quiet as we watched him leave, and then when the door shut, Yeonjun and I both looked at each other. Yeonjun chuckled lightly, "I remember saying that to my mom dozens of times – Why did I ever think that she didn't know?"

I laughed at what he said, "I saw right through him like he was made of glass."

We both laughed for a moment, and then when we settled down I asked, "What're you thinking?"

Yeonjun shrugged, "I don't know. He's only seventeen. A-And what if something happens?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Ben's a nice boy, I don't think he's gonna do anything to Channie."

Yeonjun sighed, placing his elbows on the table. He rested his head in his hands, "I know, I just—I get nervous."

I knew what he was referring to, so I tried to be delicate, "Ok, then let's look at the positives..." I said, and Yeonjun nodded. He took one of his hands away to bite his fingernails, "He's dating someone who is very nice and that we both approve of, and they really seem to like each other. He wants to be here instead of somewhere that is potentially unsafe for the both of them. And we know he's not going to bring drugs or alcohol into this house..." I shrugged, smiling a bit, "I feel like he's old enough to give him some more freedom."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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