International Fanfiction Results

100 7 12

First of we would like to thank the judges  love_at_first , KittyDevan\and diyahaleema16 for... well judging. We really appreciate it!

Name: Another Life 

By:  VictoriaLachac

Title: The title is definitely relevant, and very catchy 4/5.

Cover: The cover is not the best, but i can't really have high expectations for fanfic covers, so 3.5/5.

Blurb: The blurb does give a general idea of the story without spoiling too much. It definitely captured my attention. It's a solid 9.5/10.

Characters: The author definitely changed Loki's character and put a twist of her own. We can definitely see how she imagines Loki in her mind and it's kinda adorable. The main female protagonist is a typical " I'm not like other girls" kinda person. But she doesn't stick to that personality trait the entire time and has some depth in her character which I like. 8.5/10.

Flow: The flow was perfect. It was not to rushed, not too dragged. It was just perfect. 10/10.

Plot: The plot was kinda generic. The typical giving the character a love interest. But the way she handled it and arranged it was very well done. 9/10

Grammer: The grammar was explainable since the author mentioned that he/she wrote it in their native language. However the incorrect punctuation marks kinda irked me so I'll give it a 9.5/10.

Overall Enjoyment: Overall it was a fun and engaging read and I recommend it to anyone who wants to enjoy a good long Loki Laufeyson fanfic. A solid 9/10.

Total: 63/70


Name: The Legend of Zelda: Dark Tombs 

By:  Alchemy_savatar

Title: The title is very eye-catching. I loved it 5/5

Cover: It is very relevant. Looks like it was custom drawn for this book. 5/5

Blurb: I have nothing much to say about it. It looks like an average description. 8/10

Characters: I am not a part of this fandom, so I do not know how the character's actually are, but the way the author portrayed the characters was done in a fantastic way. 9/10

Flow: I personally felt it was too dragged, but that could just be me I guess. 8/10

Plot: It was a very engaging and very interesting read. I don't have much to say about it but yeah, I liked it a lot. 9.5/10

Grammer: There were a few minor mistakes here and there but nothing too major. 9/10

Overall Enjoyment: I really enjoyed it and I'm really considering joining the fandom after reading this. 10/10

Total: 63.5/70


Name: Resident Evil: Spirit of Vengeance 

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