Horror/Paranormal Results

80 10 14

First of all, thank you judges Un_canny and Polaris_Celeste for spending your precious time in taking part in judging. We are really are very grateful towards your work 😁❤.

Here are the results dear participants😃

Judge: Un_canny

Book: Cocytus

Author: empiresofwater

Title :4/5
Directly related to the story and is on point with the theme of the book.

Cover: 4.5/5
Cover gives an image to imagine as a ship going for the expedition for someone completely new to it. Also I can see the mysterious build up in it.

Blurb: 9/10
Excitement and mystery engulfs the reader as soon as they put foot on the Cocytus.

Characters: 9/10
Very well drawn characters, each with their own story to tell. It was fascinating to read the story from different points of views of these characters.

Flow: 8.5/10
It was a smooth ride after a few chapters, after the story started to make sense. I understand the aloofness of information in the starting chapters was necessary to keep the mystery in the story. I presume story has a long way to go.

Plot: 9.5/10
Amazing plot!! I have hardly come across any story with the same plot such as this. Maybe once long time back. But this story opened up in an extraordinary manner and took the reader to this tumultuous, mysterious and of course paranormal journey on this ship.

Grammar: 10/10
Impeccable, though story needs a few edits here and there.

Overall enjoyment: 9.5/10
Lovely story, kudos to the writer! I enjoyed it thoroughly. Though the story has yet to built more, all the characters, as mentioned in the summary, have been introduced along with the plot build up. I personally like the writing style in the story.

Total: 64/70


Book: No way to escape

Author: Sobhan11

Title: 4/5
A common title, though relevant to the story. A substitute could have been used.

Cover: 4.5/5
As expected for a horror story to have, the cover has that eeriness in it. It gives me chills!

Blurb 7/10
I honestly think the story could have had a better blurb than the one given. It is straightforward, which is really good, but not grappling enough for a horror story. But I like it that it also does not give away anything about the story.

Characters: 7/10
Characters are at random, a very good thing but there lack in their depth. I sense that that was the need of the story, to provide the characters depth as story goes along, but right now, the characters have a long way to go.

Flow: 9/10
Really good flow! I sensed myself watching a horror movie. Honestly I did get freaked out a bit by this story. There is a tale narrated in the form of this story. I like it that there is no pretense pausing effect in the story to grapple the audience, just the plot seems enough.

Plot: 8/10
About the uniqueness of the story, I cannot seem to see it in a new light all together as it has a common horror story line (maybe because I have seen a lot of horror movies). But the circumstances that take place and the way the characters struggle their way through it is amazing. I especially liked the main character for his support to his friend.

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