Chicklit Results

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First of all, thank you diyahaleema16 for spending your precious time in judging. We really are grateful towards your work♥️.

So here are your results participants!

Book: My Blossoming Redemption

Author: MiniMoxx

Title: 5/5
The title is definitely relevant and very appropriate for the story. It captures perfectly what the author is trying to put through. It covers the main idea and focus of the story. Overall I have nothing bad to say about it.

Cover: 3.5/5
The cover is nice… I guess it’s sorta relevant to the story. There is nothing unique or eye-catching about it that sets it apart from other stories. It’s definitely not bad, I just think it could be better.

Blurb: 9/10
The blurb definitely captured my interest. It was perfectly written. It had important plot points, but it didn’t reveal too much or spoil anything.

Characters: 7/10
The main character is incredibly well written. She has the mentality of how she was raised and doesn’t let anything slip even at the most frustrating times. The side characters also feel real, except for Nicholas who I felt was a male Mary Sue with no flaws. He was like a cardboard cutout and stuck to just one personality trait which I didn't like.

Flow: 8.5/10
I feel like the flow is moving along smoothly for the most part, but I felt like the romance spark between Aspen and Nicholas was a bit too rushed. (maybe because I am not a love at first sight kinda person, that could also be the case)

Plot: 10/10
The plot is very original, very unique, very relatable.

Grammar: 9.5/10
There are a few mistakes here and there, but nothing major.

Overall Enjoyment: 9/10
It is very good, very intriguing, very engaging and overall a good read.

Total: 61.5/70


Book: The King Killer

Author: wanderedwriter

Title: 5/5

Cover: 5/5

Blurb: 9.5/10

Characters: 10/10

Flow: 10/10

Plot: 10/10

Grammer: 10/10

Overall Enjoyment: 10/10

Total: 69.5/10

Review: This was my favourite book out of all the ones I’ve read and I loved everything about it, so I'm not going to write a short note for each rubric because I have nothing bad to say about it. Most of these books I read the first 20 chapters or so before reviewing the book, but this was the first book that I was actually tempted to finish. This was also full of angst, which is something that I personally love in books.


Book: On the Edge of Tomorrow

Author: oliviarose436

Title: 3.1/5

Cover: 1/5

Blurb: 9/10

Characters: 9.5/10

Flow: 9.5/10



Overall Enjoyment: 9.5/10

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