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She waited till the house grew quiet. The random child Pepper bore had been asleep for hours. Tony and Pepper reluctantly went to bed. Mary was sure she heard her father cry down stairs.

Mary just couldn't say goodbye, to leave him. Not yet. She needed to get out of the house. To drive for a little bit. Get some fresh air to think things over.

She stole a set of Tony's keys and began to drive. In no particular direction. Her head was still killing her.

It might as well have been raining. Mary squinted through her tears. She kept choking on them. But she pushed on, hoping to find peace in the quiet night.

Peace never came. Some how she ended up in a run down town of Montgomery Packwood. But it was cute and quiet. A place she'd want to live. Maybe she could live there

Mary always expected to live in New York, because it was Peters city. The city he loved to protect, she never wanted to make him choose between her and the city. She knew he'd pick her. But she couldn't take him away from New York.

Now that he's gone. Maybe she could live in a quaint town like Montgomery Packwood. She could own a little book store and waste the rest of her life doing that.

No- how could she be thinking like this. There was no positives to Peters death. She would live in New York forever because that's where she would have been if he was alive.

The houses looked so facetious and adorable. Like they belonged in Dick Van Dike or Full house. Like a sit com

Is this how Bella felt when Edward left her? No that was childish, compared to her grief. Bella at least got peace knowing Edward was alive. That he would stay alive forever. Mary Jane didn't have that comfort.

Romeo and Juliet? Doesn't even compare. They were 15 and both dead in the end. Neither one having to live with grief.

Jack and Rose? They knew eachother for three days. Didn't have the plans and future mapped out like Mj and Peter.

Ennius and Jack? Maybe. But they both had separate lives. Peter was Mj's life.

Wanda and Vision? Yes she was Wanda. Both of them had lost their Loves dying for the greater good.

Mary wanted to scream. To pull her hair out over and over again. She was vexed, irritated, beyond rational reason. She did not deserve this tragedy.

She would have to watch families, friends, lovers, be reunited. Because they had come back. But her Peter didn't. Everyone got back what they lost except Mj.

The sun was rising now. It had to have been 6:30 in the morning. She parked the car on the side of the road when she found a little park. She stumbled out and sat on the bench.

Mary could feel her stomach curl. How was her head not bleeding? It felt like it was breaking open. Her vision was spotty. It hurt to breathe. She felt her head, no blood.

Surely she looked like a zombie, sitting on that bench. Still covered in blood from the battle. Neck littered with hickies. Eye sockets sunken in. Eyes being beet red from doing nothing but crying for hours.

She was trying to stop. To hold in her emotions. To watch the little city wake up. Eventually people were coming to the homes across from the park. Families reuniting.

She still held everything in. Seeing a woman hug a seemingly ten year old boy that answered the door. It took a second for the child to realize who he was looking at- his mother who he lost five years ago. Both broke down in tears holding each other. Mj's lip twitched

Mj turned her head. Two woman embracing each other. We're they a couple? Yes. Holding each other close. Mary's breathing hot heaven again.

She looked towards the bakery. A man with greying hair staring at a slight younger looking woman. He just looked at her in disbelief before running to hold her. Falling to the ground in their embrace. Their foreheads pressed together as they cried.

Mary stood up from the bench. Looked down at her photo of Peter, lip quivering. It slipped from her hands and she fell to her knees. The frame shattering. Finally letting out a scream she was holding in. Her head felt like it was melting. Her knees were bleeding from falling on the glass of the frame.

A painful gold light shot out of her, it felt like the sun was tearing through her soul. She screamed in agony. The blinding gold light shot up into the sky. Making her shriek louder. The pain was unbearable.

Peter Benjamin Parker
The absolute love of her life
Her happiness and sun
Surely he wasn't gone
He cannot be
He can't be
He can't
Gold light

Mary watched the world change around her. Modern cars looked as if they came out of the fifties. The people around the streets clothing style changed as well. Most of them getting up and continuing their day.

Another painful burst of light ripped threw Mj's body. She choked on the sheer white hot pain. But it was Peter? The light, it was turning into Peter. He was wearing a plaid shirt with a blue sweater on top. Dress pants. Was he holding a picnic basket?

Suddenly the pain didn't hurt so much anymore. Peter's goofy smile shining bright in front of her, how could she be upset. He was right there. She was hesitant at first, to even believe it was him.

"Mary Jane dear..." Peter spoke. It was his voice. It was his floppy hair she was looking at. She sat up from the ground. "Welcome home my love. Fancy having a picnic? It's such a wonderful day." Peter said.

Why was Mj upset moments ago? There was no reason to be. She didn't bother trying to remember. She gladly excepted his hand and sat on the blanket he had in the grass.

"That sounds wonderful peter." They sat down and she just looked at him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and slowly kissed her. She was home.

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