We Interupt This Program

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Scott Lang got thrown out of Montgomery Packwood city limits. His 80s clothing turned back into his ant man suit as he fell threw the boundaries. He laid on the grass

"Can somebody get me some orange slices?" He shouts holding his head.

"Scott! What's is you see?" Tony Stark runs over to him. Helping him up and handing him his orange slices.

"It's Mary Jane, it's all Mary Jane." Scott took his hand to get up.

"What do you mean? Someone put her in there. Shes being forced to be in this fucked up sit com fantasy." Tony said.

"No Tony. She's doing everything. She was in my head. Changing my cloths. Changing the scenery. It's all her." Scott said gripping Tony's shoulders.

"That doesn't make sense. How could she have Peter in there with her. The kids dead. How is she even doing this? She has no powers. And why the hell did she kidnap Wanda??" Tony was absolutely flabbergasted.

The night Mj ran away, Tony threw a fit at Scott. He had paid Scott to make sure Mj stayed in her room. To make sure Mj was okay while he was helping people handle the blip.

But Scott fell asleep, Mj snuck past him. When they finally found Mj's sitcom broad cast, her giant dome, Scott offered to go in and try and rescue her. At the time they thought someone had taken Mj and forced her to live in this messed up sit com.

But boy were they wrong.

"I still don't understand how she could have kids with a dead dude ya know. You don't think she stole his corpse do you?" Scott asked. "Surely his sperm wouldn't be active anymore."

"No he just got embalmed yesterday." Tony said. "I'm going in."

"No," Scott pushed Tony back. "You can't. I won't let you."

"Get out of my way Lang, she's my daughter." Tony said.

"We don't know how dangerous she is." Scott pleaded with Tony.

"I don't care." Tony continued to March.

"She could quit literally throw you out of town." Scott warned.

"She's my daughter Scott. Don't you have a little girl. You'd do anything for her right? Cause I'd do anything for mine." Tony said.

"Tony, you don't understand. She's the only thing that got me threw prison, my daughter Cassie. I could have been in there for 100 years and I'd never forget her."

"Holy shit, okay Tony step away from the bubble." Bruce banner came running Down from their trailer. They watched every episode of Mj's in that trailer. A trailer big enough for Bruce to fit in.

"I got save my kid, Bruce." Tony tried to argue.

"Just give us more time. Everytime someone steps in there, their molecules restructure. It's not safe yet."

"How is she doing this Bruce. How can she manipulate reality like this. She was just a normal kid. She didn't have any special powers or anything. I don't understand." Tony sniffed, wiping his nose quickly.

"We'll get her out, Tony." Scott tried to comfort.

"How! Your the only one with a suit small enough to get back in. But if you go back in she'll throw you out again." Tony was frustrated. He just lost a boy he considered to be his child. Now he was loosing actual daughter.

"We'll get her out." Bruce promised.

"But she doesn't want out. She's happy. Happy with Peter. She knows if she comes out she won't be with Peter. She's not coming out on her own." Tony sighed sitting on the ground outside of the golden bubble.

"We have to get her out before Ross does." Bruce said.

General Ross set up camp on the opposite side of the golden bubble. He too was trying to get Mj to let this town go, but he didn't have the same intentions as Tony. Ross wasn't planning on showing mercy.

The three men headed back to their trailer. They went to finish the episode, turning on their old Tv screen. Thor was asleep on a chair in the corner of the room.

It was nighttime already. The children where home. Asking for a Sega Master. The children grew a good foot. They looked older.

"She named the one after you." Scott said. "Who's Ben though?"

"The kids uncle. Ben died because Spider-Man didn't stop the criminal that killed him. His uncle was important to him and Mary knows that."

Peter and Mj blew kisses at the children. Than the credits started to roll.

"That's it?" Scott asked.

"It must have gotten cut short somehow? Her normal episodes are longer than this?" Tony hit the tv.

"That's not gonna do anything." Bruce grabbed Tony's arm.

"Let go!" Tony pulled his arm out of Bruce's grip. "I'm sorry." He felt bad for yelling

"It's gonna be okay Tony." Bruce said in a soft tone.

"I just got her back. Five years thinking her and the kid were dead. I risked everything to bring them back. And I lost the kid anyway. I can't loose her too bruce. I just can't." Tony scratched his beard. He haven't shaved since Peter died. Nearly a month ago.

"We'll get her out safety Tony. I'll continue working on the suit, you can be the one to use it." Bruce said going back to his lab station.

He was attempting to build an Ironman suit that can withstand the golden bubble. So it can't be changed by Mj's powers.

"I think it was the damn stones." Tony said.

"What?" Scott asked.

"It was the stones. Think about it, she didn't have these reality changing powers before. She laid on top on Peter, who had the stones radiation covering him. She was next to him when he snapped. It makes sense doesn't it. Wanda has very similar abilities, she got her powers from the mind stone." Tony explained.

"That makes sense. I'd say we'd use the stones to stop her, but Steve took them back in time already." Bruce sounded annoyed.

"Get working on that suit big boy." Tony clapped Bruce's shoulders. "I'm rewatching these episodes."

"I tried to tell her that you miss her." Scott said.

"What?" Tony questioned.

"I said Tony wants you to come home. Her expression changed when I mentioned your name. She knows what she's doing Tony. She knows it's hurting you." Scott explained.

"That's why I need my suit. To go in and talk to her. She'll listen to me." Tony said.

"You gotta give it time Tony" Bruce called from over his shoulder.

"We don't have time! Ross man could be in there! We have to get her now."

"She'd know if unwanted visitors came in. She knew when I snuck in, but she left me. She thought she could control me. She now realizes she can't control 'trespassers'. She'll throw them out right away." Scott said.

"Let's hope she doesn't throw me out." Tony sighed.

"Wah?" Thor was waking up. "Did you get her Scott?"

"No thor. She threw me out."

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