Chapter 17: Uh Oh

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"The Research is complete Sir"
"Good, Good. We are ready"
"Stay still will you!" Bonnie scolded as Ross winced at her touch on his bare shoulder.
"What where you doing taking on a skeleton in the first place?" Trott questioned as he mixed some medication for his friend.

Ross glared at the walrus, "He started it! And you know I have no control during the full moon. It's not like I had much say in the matter".

Smith laughed from the other side of the room where he was leaning over his Arcane workbench crafting a new golem worker, "A big black werewolf going after a skeleton, looks like the dog wanted a bone".

Ross growled but flinched as Bonnie continued to try to heal the arrow wound to the architect's still dirt and blood covered shoulder.
"Nearly done!" Bonnie sighed as she concentrated on the wound, her hands giving off a green and blue aura as she focused her magic.

Slowly Bonnie watched the wound knit together, leaving only a small pink scar.
"There done!" She smiled, her control of her magic growing with each passing day.

"Great, thanks Bon" Ross smiled as he rolled his shoulder before slipping on a ragged shirt.
"Looking good Bonnie" Trott praised taking note of the clean scar, "No weird burn this time".

"With Ross' werewolf wounds guess it's the amount of practice I'm getting" Bonnie shrugged, thinking of how the last couple of months had helped her improve her healing skills.

"Hey, here to please" Ross groaned before walking off to get cleaned up after his night.

After Ross has left the room Bonnie sat back in her seat, "I kinda feel sorry for him, it must be awful" she said staring at the ceiling.

"Naa, he's used to it, after all he got bitten way back" Smith said and Bonnie sat up, "He just always looks exhausted and.... Sore".

"So would you be if you shifted into a giant wolf then paraded around the forests for a full night" Trott said crossing his flippers.

"I guess" Bonnie sighed before getting to her feet, "I'm going for a walk, I'll be back in a bit".

Smith looked up for his work and nodded, "Okay be careful".


Once in the shelter of the surrounding trees Bonnie began to gather some seeds and fruit, picking them gently from their position in the forest.

Filling her backpack she wandered deeper into the woods. Cloak hood raised she became one with the shadows, using them to hide as she walked.

Stopping by the side of a small river Bonnie drank the cool water, quenching her thirst.
Catching a glimpse of her reflection in the water Bonnie looked at herself in confusion, how she had grown and changed. Her features more mature, the scars on her arms healed but will forever stay as a reminder of the life Lalnable had stolen from her.
However if she hadn't lived through that hell would she had ever leant the kindness of Rythian, the innocence of Parv and the hilarity of Hat Films?

With a sigh Bonnie got to her feet and began to walk back to base.
However the noise of paw steps in the forest stopped her. Jumping up into a nearby tree she watched as a pack of wolves pass below her, their winter coats thick and warm.
But one was unlike the others, his fur darker, a dark stripe down his back. He looked out of place, his posture not like the wild wolves.

A larger wolf, more than likely, the alpha of the pack turned to this odd wolf and scolded him with a nip to his flank, he was too slow, the pack had to be quick.

"Hey!" Bonnie shouted jumping down, startling the pack of wolves, some of which growled at her, their hackles raised in fright.
The odd wolf looked up and his brown eyes lit up, the timid appearance drained away as excitement took over. Bounding up to Bonnie he pounced on her, knocking her the ground.

"Bonnie! Bonnie! My Bonnie!" Aero cheered licking her face.
The alpha tutting at the tame wolf, called his pack to move on, leaving Bonnie and Aero.

"What are you doing here?" Bonnie questioned pushing the wolf from her chest.
"Left to find Bonnie... Didn't find Bonnie... Got scared. Joined pack. Survived" Aero explained wagging his tail.

"So you left Rythian and Parv?" Bonnie asked and Aero nodded, "Aero not pet. Where has Bonnie been?".

Getting to her feet Bonnie stroked Aero's head, "I'll show you, I made some new friends".

Running back to base with Aero at her side Bonnie couldn't wait for the Hat Lads to meet her familiar, but as she ran into the Hat Corp base it was to quiet.

"Guys?" Bonnie shouted only to hear shouting from down stairs.

"How did you get in here?"
"Flux off!"
"Get them!"

"What the hell?" Bonnie questioned taking the elevator block down and running over to where she heard the shouting from.
A fireball in hand she was ready to defend her friends, jumping down she landed beside Smith who had his wand raised.

"Get out our base!" Bonnie threatened regaining her stance only to stare up at a oh too familiar face.

Aero skidded to a halt on the tiled floor and looked up the stand off between Hat Films and the Flux Buddies.

"Uh oh"

<><Authors Note><>
Hehe.... Getting my mo-Jo back for this fic! I know where I'm going with it now

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