Chapter 21: 'Who's Left?'

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"We can't just sit here!" Xephos shouted slamming his fists against the cobblestone walls of the prison cell he shared with other occupants of Minecraftia, many of them sitting against the walls, their head hung down in defeat.
It had been three days since Hat Films and Bonnie had joined the unfortunate group of inhabitance.

"It's not worth it Xephos, if you haven't noticed we have tried everything" Ross said defeated holding up his bloody hands.

"Lalnable is going to destroy Minecraftia! We have to do something!" Xephos exclaimed looking at the others who just sighed, they had no hope of escape. Aero whined at the spaceman's loud tone, covering his sensitive ears.

"What do you think they are doing to them?" Trott questioned, his voice shallow.
"I don't know...." Xephos replied shaking his head, as another horrific scream rattled the prison block.

"Rythian!" Zoey yelled, tears in her eyes as she heard the Enderborn's painful scream.

Wrapping his flipper around the young woman Trott tried to comfort Zoey, "It's okay, shhh".
Teep who lay in the neighbouring cell nuzzled the wall with his nose as he heard his friend cry.

"Is there anyone left out in the Overworld?" Sips asked from the corner of the room, the Dirt Dealers suit torn and ragged, and covered in more dirt than normal.

"No idea.... The only ones I've not seen bring carried down the halls is Martyn and Toby... And.... Honeydew" Xephos shuddered thinking of Lalnable's attack on Yoglabs, had the dwarf even survived.

"Martyn and Toby are far off in the Eastern Wood, they won't even be aware of what's going on here" Will said shaking his head, sitting in the corner of the room the alien businessman felt useless without his Exosuit and weapons.

The conversation dropping the silence was ominous, however the sound of shifting dirt alerted the prisoners to the presence of something, or someone in the floor.
Aero lifted his head from the cold stone floor and tilted his ears towards the source of the sound.
"What's up boy? Wait! Can anyone hear that?" Ross quizzed suddenly hearing the noise that Aero had picked up on.

"It's coming from the corner" Will said getting to his feet and placing his head against the floor so he could listen.

However as he listening the noise intensified and Will jumped backwards as the floor moved and crumbled creating a hole.
"What the hell?" Xephos questioned looking down the hole only for the instantly recognisable ginger hair of the dwarf popped up.

"HONEYDEW!" Xephos cheered practically rugby tackling his friend.

Staggering Honeydew smiled brightly before dropping his diamond pickaxe and hugging Xephos.
"I through you were crushing in Yoglabs" Xephos admitted tears in his eyes.

"Na, a small amount of crumbling building isn't going to keep me down, you should know that by now" Honeydew chuckled dusting some of the dirt from his beard.

"How did you find us?" Trott asked from the corner still comforting Zoey who had fallen asleep against the walrus.

"Honeydew move your ass! I'm getting claustrophobic down here" Martyn mumbled from the tunnel.
"Oh yea sorry" the dwarf apologised as he got out the tunnel entrance and allowed his associates out the dark dirt passage.

"Martyn? Toby?" Xephos said in amazement as the Wood Elf and hooded teenager appeared from the hole.
"Who else would it be? The rest of Minecraftia is locked up here. Good job there was at least one magical person out this prison that knows how to track the others down" Toby laughed nudging Martyn before dumping a large rucksack on the floor, and as it hit the floor it opened to reveal armour and weapons of all shapes and sizes.

"And it's about time we get you all out of here! Lalnable is destroying Minecraftia, we need to stop him before he destroys everything" Martyn said as he tightened his black headband, his blond hair covered in dirt.

Nodding Xephos picked up a diamond sword from the bag and twisted it in his hand, "Let's do this!"


Bonnie shuffled uncomfortably in her cuffs, the harsh metal cutting into her wrists opening wounds that dripped fresh blood down her arms.

Three days since she had been locked up with the others, and each day she would be electrocuted, a manual system in place that would chose a random person each hour to be tortured, another of Lalnable's toys.

All the others had given up hope, their bodies slowly falling apart. Bonnie tried to stir them from their unconscious states but rarely did they awake.
Nilsey, Lomadia and Kim, their faces contorted as they fought pain that kept them from facing her.

"Sjin? Duncan? Please wake up" Bonnie tired again, looking across at her past mentors. Duncan hung limp, his labcoat stained with blood that dripped from a gash in his forehead, while Sjin's farmers dungarees hung on him in tatters, the denim charred back from many, many electrocutions.

"I'm sorry I didn't come back after I escaped Lalnable's cell, you had looked after me for so long, kept me safe when I didn't have anyone. Duncan I'm sorry I yelled at you... I should have been happy to see you. I missed you both so much, my hatred shrouding the friendship from so long ago. I'm sorry" Bonnie croaked turning to Rythian.

The Endermage had already been through so much, all that time in the cell alone and how he was captive once again, "Rythian I'm sorry to you too. I shouldn't have run, I should have let you explain, I acted out of anger, out of fear. You have been kind to me and kept me alive, for longer than I know... I don't understand my past but I know you have a part in it".

Then looked towards Smith, the green mans skin scared and damaged, scars that he would keep forever, "Smith, you, Trott and Ross have truly been friends, you don't deserve this fate. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you more than that stupid forcefield".

The tears beginning to stream down her face Bonnie finally turned to Parv, and her heart broke, "Parv.... I thought you were just a moron, but you helped save me from Lalnable and you brought Aero back to me. I don't understand my feelings towards you, I hate you and love you at the same time, is that wrong. The way you saved Will, I could tell you felt strongly from him. I just wish I gave you the chance".
Breaking down Bonnie sobbed, her tears falling to the bloody tiled floor.

"A moron? Really?"

Her head snapping up Bonnie looked into the now open eyes of Parv, a cooky grin covering the pain he was feeling.
"Parv?!" Bonnie said in surprise, "You heard the whole thing?"

"Yup, every word even you calling me a moron, I'm not that bad.. Am I?" Parv said raising an eyebrow and for the first time in three days Bonnie let out a laugh, "No Parv, your not that bad".

Parv went to answer but the sound of clashing steel, guards shouting and the sound of feet of the tiled floor, stopped him.
Bonnie's head turned to the huge iron door that was the only entry and exit to the torture chamber.

The noise of battle got closer and slowly the other magical personnel were awoken by the voice.

Flinching as the door exploded, Bonnie turned her head as to not be blinded by the blast.
As the smoke cleared a smile crossed her face and the other members in the room cheered.
"Time to get out of here!" Honeydew announced holding up a rocket launcher, "Time to save Minecraftia".

<><Authors Note><>
Ahhhhh! You don't understand how hyped I get writing chapters like this!
I hope you are enjoying!
'The Cost of Magic' is reaching its big finale!!

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