Chapter 10: Darkness is an Ally

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With a thud Bonnie landed on the cobblestone cell floor, fresh injuries on her body, adding to her already large collection.
A month, two months, three months had passed in this hell hole. A day not going past without some form of torture.

Lalnable said it was 'For Science' but it was to watch her suffer, push her to breaking point.
But she wasn't going to break.

She had given up hope of the rescue from her past mentors long ago. The only thing keeping her alive was the desire to not let Lalnable have the glee of killing her. She was determined to survive, no matter the pain.

Rythian had become more than the Enderborn spoken in legend and in fear. He was a mentor like no other. Teaching her how to concentrate her manna in the dark of the cell. Light magic had no place in the gloom or darkness.

Rythian showed her the ways of harnessing the shadows for magic.
He was a close companion, a teacher and a friendly figure in the hell they lived in.
The mages gaze was no longer feared but respected.

However Bonnie knew the Mage was hiding something from her, but what?


Waking in the dark Bonnie after recovering from yesterday's 'experiments', she looked over at Rythian who slept against the wall, his strength dwindling, she didn't know how much longer he would hang on.
He was strong but the body could only take so much.

Concentrating she began to meditate quietly, focussing her energy.
Recently she had been getting little snap shots of the outside world; a tree, a deer, a meadow. Nothing substantial.

So as a actually vision broke into her mind she gasping slightly.
She caught a glimpse of figures in the woods, some running, some flying.

Counting them Bonnie concentrated, trying to keep the vision from fading.
It was unclear but there was a connection.

One, two, three, four..... Two males, Two females and creatures, yes, two giant sized owls.
The details were faint but Bonnie could pick out the individuals.

A female with blond hair and a male with dark hair rode on the backs of the majestic beings through the sky.
A dark haired male ran across the forest floor, leaving behind a red trail. As for the other female, she flew, but unassisted by anything other than a single ring.
Who where they?

Bursting from her vision Bonnie panted. Looking up she was met by Rythian's gaze.
"They are coming" he whispered his eyes filling with tears of happiness.

"Who's coming?" Bonnie questioned catching her breath, the vision taking more energy than she could have expected.

"Shhh!" Rythian snapped keeping her quiet.
What was going on?

Listening intently Bonnie waited to see if Rythian's idea was true or not.
It had been four months since he had been in here, why would someone suddenly decide a rescue now.
Come to think of it, the torture for the day hadn't happened yet.... Was Lalnable out?

As if to answer her question the alarm system of the building began to blare out.
Red lights flashed and noise of running androids echoed in the corridor.
Bonnie looked at Rythian and seen the Mage smiling.

Shouting, screams and yells ran up the corridors awakening Bonnie's curiousty.

Trying to stand, she peered through the bars of the door, only to be forced back to the floor by a blast of red energy.

As she slowly sank into unconsciousness, she watched one of the men from her vision appeared in the door.
The man with the red mist.

He wore a black t-shirt and jeans, his hair dark, his blue eyes glistening.
Stepping into the cell, the same red mist swirled around his lower arms, Blood Mage.


"Parv!" Rythian said in glee as the Blood Magic specialist stood in the doorway, forehead dripping with sweat and blood.

"Holy shit Rythian!" Parvis replied going to the mage's side, quickly dealing with the shackles that bound him in place.

Helping the Enderborn to his feet Parv began to leave the cell, but Rythian stopped him, "No we need to take Bonnie!" He demanded.

"Bonnie?" Parv questioned raising a brow, looking at the girl on the floor of the cell, her body as battered as Rythian's.

"We can't leave her, she's one of us" Rythian croaked, confusing Parv even more.

Lomadia appeared at the bottom of the hall as she fought off androids with Nilsey at her side.
Both had sustained injures but continued the fight.

"Come on guys we can't hang around here!" Nilsey shouted urgency in his voice.
"Nilsey, grab this girl, Rythian won't let us leave without her" Parv instructed and Nilsey followed, quickly unbinding her and picking her up, before the three made their way to the exit.


"Not far now" Parv reassured trying to encourage Rythian to keep this strength up until they were out of the building.

"Shit!" Lomadia swore as they rounded the final corner, to come face to face with a barrage of guards, blocking their exit.

Parv instinctively fired a concentrated energy blast but it wasn't enough.
"We got so far...." Rythian muttered, his heart sinking.

"I don't think so" a voice called out, a rocket propelled missile wiping out the androids.

As the fire dimmed and smoke settled a figure could be made out at the exit.
Red hair swirled in the wind, the green of a visor glistening in the flames, a robotic arm holding a missile launcher.

Rythian's eyes welled with tears at the sight of this new member, "Zoey?"
Stepping forward the red head smile became visible in the gloom, "Didn't think I was going to let you go that easily did you?"


Aero lay in the Magic Poilce HQ.
Three months!
Three months he had been kept like a pet.

There had been times he had longed to be back with a proper pack but his mind always went back to Bonnie.
Areo was the only thing Duncan and Sjin had left of their apprentice.

So hard they had tried to find her.
They tore up dungeons, searched every area, interrogated every accessible inhabitan; Nothing!

They were loosing hope but they knew she was alive, Aero was their rope that held them from falling into insanity.

Duncan had lost all interest in completing past projects, spending most of his time pacing the HQ or going off to 'collect supplies', but instead he would go searching for Bonnie.

Sjin had practically abandoned the farm, if it hadn't been for the automatic systems and golems in place, the whole farm would be a wasteland.

The 'farmer' spent most his time searching over maps of Minecraftia or over the Occulus, just desperate that Bonnie would make contact.

Both men a mess, both lost.
Just begging that their apprentice would return.

Authors Note
Took a risk with this plot!
Hope it worked......

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