Chapter 6: Mud Terrain

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Flying through the skies over Minecraftia the Magic Police rushed to respond to the distress call. Bonnie flew behind her mentors still ashamed from her questioning. She wasn't accusing them of lying, maybe they were just misled.


Snapping from her thoughts Sjin looked over his shoulder at the apprentice, "Bon we have reached Sips Co, we need to go see Sips about the report but keep your guard up".
Bonnie nodded and they landed inside the Sips Co. complex, hard dirt blocks beneath their feet.

Bonnie never liked the Dirt Factory, it was too... Brown. Sjin had made her tag along a few times on his visits and Sips was well... Sips.

Packing her AirSled in her backpack, Bonnie followed Duncan and Sjin into the main building where they were greeted by Mark, more commonly known as Turps.
"Ah Magic Police glad you could make it on such short notice" he grinned placing down a dirt block and shaking hands with the visitors.

"Took you long enough! Dark mages on my land! They could steal my cocain... Teddy bears!"

Bonnie turned to see the pale skinned figure of Sips walk down the brown carpeted staircase, his suit crinkled and untidy, black rings around his eyes.

Sjin stepped forward and brought Sips into a brotherly hug, "Good to see you big babbie but I wish it was under better circumstances" Sips chucked his mood lightening at the presence of old friends.

The dirt worker then looked over to Duncan and Bonnie and nodded, "Good to see you again Duncan and Bonnie, wow you sure have grown". Rolling her eyes at Sips' complement Bonnie shook his hand then the official business began.

"Right let's get down to these dark mages".


"Keep your eyes pealed, Turps reported five mages" Duncan warned holding a prepared fireball in his right hand. The sun has started to set, which meant bad news for the Magic Police.

Bonnie watched the sun dip below the horizon a chill running up her spine, she looked over at Sjin, his chilli beam ready for an oncoming attack.

Bonnie was also ready with her own personal offensive spell. In the palm of her hand, floated a burning green and blue flame, beautiful but powerful. Duncan and Sjin were confused by the colour when she first cast it, but then realised the flames matched her odd eyes and they were more than happy with it's powerful effect.

The three continued into the barren wilderness around Sips Co, their boots sinking into the deep mud.

"Sips is going to be paying for my uniform to be dry cleaned" Duncan joked but the laughs failed to follow as the tension around them swirled like fog. Bonnie raised her flamed hand to the surrounding area to survey their environment, "Oh no"

In the darkness the three had walked into a tall walled valley, it's rocky edge creating a bowl in the land.

"Look out!"

Bonnie was pushed to the ground, Duncan throwing himself on top of the apprentice as a orb of dark magic darted within a hairs width of their position. Sjin fired his Lumos spell around the area, brightening up their dark environment.

"Well either Turps can't count above five or they have been breeding" The farmer croaked, his spell revealing at least 15 mages, all of them cloaked in dark robes, hiding their mangled faces.

Gathering herself Bonnie fired her spell at the nearest Mage sending him backwards and into the valley side.

"There's too many of them!" Sjin called struggling to fend off the ambush. The three fought back but could feel their strength dwindle in the darkness and muscles ache, but they continued to fight.

One Mage darted at Bonnie, hatred and bloodlust in his cold black eyes. Fearing for her life she blasted him with her spell causing him to fall to the ground, dead.

"Oh god" she muttered staring at the body that lay in the mud, it's skin charred and torn, revealing machinery that sparked and fizzed, it wasn't human, well not fully human.
"Their cyborgs!" She called out in distress alerting Sjin and Duncan that their situation was even more deadly.

"This was a set up, we need to get out of here!" Duncan shouted as he fired another attack at an oncoming target.

"Ahh!" Sjin moaned a fireball scorching through his cloak, burning skin to reveal a nasty deep wound.

"Sjin!" Bonnie screamed rushing to her mentors side, firing at the attacker in the process. Duncan was also sustaining injures, a large gash down his torso, blood soaking his uniform turning it crimson.

Panicking Bonnie began to pulled Sjin and Duncan away from the enemy fire, the squelching mud making it near impossible. Both men were nearing their manna capacity and their bodies were beginning to droop in exhaustion.

Then Bonnie made the decision.

"I'm sorry" she whispered kissing each of her mentors gently on the cheek. Pulling out her spell book she turned to the teleportation spell. With a swirl of blue and green light she transported her mentors; her friends, back to the Magic Police station, to safety.

Tears falling down her cheeks Bonnie turned to see the attackers. They had formed a deadly semi circle around her, no escape.

Their bodies were clearer in the glow of their own spells; once humans but now controlled by machines, wires and control panels covering surfaces of their bodies.

Holding her nerve Bonnie wasn't about to go down without a fight, bringing her odd coloured fireball to her hand, she was then plunged into darkness.

"Sir we're retuning to base. We've had some complications but we have the female".


Duncan and Sjin collapsed to the wooden floor of the Magic Police Station, their bodies drained of energy. Areo ran through to where the two man lay and his wagging tail but as he studied the group his tail stopped and lay limply.

"Where Bonnie?" He questioned and Duncan raised his wary head, the scientist's blue eyes full of tears. Lifting his head Areo let out a grief ridden howl, alerting the whole of Minecraftia to the lost of his bonded human. Alive but lost.

Authors Note

Another chapter
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