Chapter 14: Lies

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Bonnie fired spells at her surroundings, frustrated and upset. Her blue and green magic swirled around her lower arms as she fell to her knees in a mixture of exhaustion and emotion.

Rythian had told her to rest after the healing spell but ignoring the mage's advice Bonnie had ran out into the surrounding woods and expressed her emotion by blasting the bark off some trees.

"Bonnie?" Aero whimpered from behind her, the wolf keeping his distance from the witch.
"Leave me alone Aero!" Bonnie shouted at her familiar making the wolf lower his head.

"Storm coming, snow coming, Bonnie come back inside" Aero continued taking a step forward, ignoring the warning from his bonded. He wanted to support her, calm her. He could feel her negative energy and fear and only wanted to help.

Edging himself closer, pawstep by pawstep, he ended up directly behind her and placed his head on her shoulder as she knelt in the grass,
"Endermage will worry, bloody hand man will worry, come back" he tried again and Bonnie turned to face him, "I could have killed that man Aero! I didn't have control, I thought I did" Bonnie replied shaking her head.

"But Bonnie didn't kill blond man" Aero said his tail wagging lightly, "Bonnie saved blond man".

Bonnie sighed deeply she didn't know what to think, she had done right and successfully healed the business man; so why did she feel so useless, so powerless?

Slowly the sky darkened as storm clouds gathered overhead and the wind beginning to pick up.

"Bonnie come back now?" Aero asked with a whine, Bonnie nodded and stood up, "Guess so" she answered pulling up her hood to shelter from the approaching storm.


Back at Blackrock Parv sat at Will's bedside, the blood Mage hadn't left since Bonnie had healed his friend. Unlike the shallow quick death breaths from earlier Will's breathing was now slow and strong.

Squeezing his friends hand for comfort Parv sighed, looking out the window he could see lights flash in the distance, the blue/green glow showing above the tree canopy, Bonnie....

"Will! Your awake!!" Parv cheered with delight helping Will to sit up, placing pillows behind his friends back to help his keep his position.

"Where are we Parv?" Will croaked his throat dry and course.

Passing Will a glass of water, he drank while Parv explained, "We're at Blackrock, Rythian and Zoey's place, I needed to find you help and this was the only place I could think of". Parv's voice rattled with emotion, his eyes welling with tears.

Seeing this Will shuffled so he could reach out to Parv, wiping away the tears that threatened to fall. The two of them had been though so much together, so seeing the other hurting was painful. They were more than friends, they were like brothers.

"Now don't you go crying on me Parvis" Will chuckled rolling his eyes at the blood Mage.

"Sorry, I thought I had lost you, if it wasn't for Bo...." Parv said but stopped himself saying the young witches full name.
Seeing the sudden blush in Parv's cheeks Will laughed, "Who's the girl?"

"What girl!?" Parv snapped making Will laugh harder, "I know you too well Parvis, there's a girl on your mind" Will said and Parv sighed, twiddling his blood stained fingers, "Okay, okay, but she doesn't like me so it's not like it matters".

"Don't give up Parv, I'm sure she'll swoon soon enough" Will said his eyes closing in tiredness.

Parv muttered to himself as he helped Will get comfortable, "You get some sleep, I'll be here when you wake up" Parv said sitting back down at Will's bedside as Will drifted off to sleep.


Bonnie returned to Blackrock just as the storm hit, lightning flashing in the sky as thunder shook the land.
Aero walked beside her, his tail low and ears flat, he had never liked storms, ever since he was a pup he hated the extreme weather.

"Well time for you to meet Rythian" Bonnie said looking down at the wolf who kept his frightened posture.

Walking into Rythian's work area Aero's postures immediately changed when he seen the Ender mage. Bonnie watched as Aero jumped around Rythian like he was an old friend, but how?

Bonnie stood confused about the scene, Aero sensing this confusion stopped his excitement and ran to Bonnie.

"Been years, been years since Aero seen Enderborn, Aero happy!" The wolf exclaimed excitement clear in his tone.
Bonnie turned to look at Rythian, "How does Aero know you and I don't? What have you not been telling me Rythian! I thought we didn't have any secrets.

You promised you would never lie to me" Bonnie said she was hurt, she was confused, she was scared.

Rythian sighed and placed his hand on Bonnie's shoulder but she pulled away from the Enderborn's touch, "Get away from me! You lied!" She shouted backing away from Rythian.

"Bonnie let me explain" Rythian said trying to calm her down but Bonnie had no interest in listening.

"No! Get AWAY!" She shouted which released some magical energy that threw Aero and Rythian to the back of the room.

Turning from them she ran to the door, and out into the storm.
"Bonnie Come Back!" Rythian shouted after the witch but she had already vanished into the trees.


Bonnie kept running and running, tears streaming from her odd coloured eyes. The rain pelted her, soaking her to the skin, her cloak hood providing no protection against the storm.

She kept running until exhaustion took her.
Collapsing to the wet muddy grass the last thing Bonnie could see was a large marble sign in the sky;
'Hat Corp'

Authors Note
Sorry it's taken me so long to update....
Hope this makes up for it
~Leigh xx

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