Chapter 22: Past Unlocked

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"Steady, steady" Xephos said calmly as Honeydew and Will, with the help of their jet packs, unlocked Bonnie's cuffs dropping her to the floor where Ross caught her.

Bonnie smiled hugging Ross tightly, "I'm sorry I brought you into this" she apologised but Ross just shook his head, "You saved us from being blown into bits, I'm pretty sure we're even".

Bonnie looked around as old friends hugged, cried and laughed.
Smiling Bonnie watched as Aero skidded across the tiles before jumping up on her, "Bonnie! Bonnie no go again" he whined licking her face.
"I'm sorry buddy" Bonnie said rubbing the wolf's head.

Turning Bonnie watched Sjin limp towards her with Duncan helping him to walk.
"Sjin! Duncan!" She cheered rushing towards them, enveloping them in a hug.
"I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!" She cried, her mentors hugging her tightly.
"Awwww" Kim cooed from the sidelines.

"We thought you were dead" Sjin said putting Bonnie at arms length so he could look at her, "You've grown" he then chuckled.

Turning to Duncan, Bonnie could see something was on his mind, "Duncan?" She said looking at her troubled mentor.
Looking up Duncan seen Sjin nod and he knew it was time. Reaching into his labcoat he pulled out the pendent he had found on Bonnie from what felt like a lifetime ago.

Holding it out to the young witch Bonnie looked at the pendent with wide eyes, "This is yours Bonnie, I'm sorry I've kept it for so long" Duncan said as Bonnie took the pendent and held it in her hand.

Slowly the purple gem in the centre of the silver crescent moon began to glow with a bright green and blue light, the colours of Bonnie's Magic.


Bonnie gasped as she was thrown from the prison and into a forest environment.
The trees around her blew in the wind as fog swirled around like smoke. Studying her surroundings she knew it wasn't real. A vision? A dream?

Slowly two figures stepped from the fog, a man and woman, wearing matching dark gowns, their pendents matching the one Bonnie still held in her hand.
Tears welling up in her eyes Bonnie knew immediately who the two were and rush to them, hugging them tightly.
"Mum, Dad" she cried as her parents embraced her.

"Oh Bonnie dear, how much you have grown" her father spoke cupping his daughters chin with his hand, "You have grown into a fine woman, just like your mother".
"More than we could have imagined" her mother said wiping a tear from Bonnie's cheek.

Bonnie looked up at her parents and sighed, "But, but, Lalnable murdered you, you can't be real".

Looking at Bonnie with sorrow in their eyes they slowly nodded, "Sadly so child, we are no longer on this earth, but with the pendent we have been allowed to see you one last time" her father explained tapping on his own pendent.

Stepping towards Bonnie, her mother hugged her again, "We may not be able to protect you anymore but there are those that will. Your protector still lives on the earth".

"Rythian?" Bonnie questioned and her father nodded, "Rythian Enderborn has always been there for our family, he will look after you and so will your other friends. Now you must go now, help to take back Minecraftia and take down Lalnable once and for all".

Tears fell from Bonnie's eyes as she said goodbye to her parents, and slowly woke again in the present. She finally knew her past, and now she was ready to fight.
"You're Bonnie Silverblood, now fight!"


Waking up Bonnie looked up into the dark eyes of Parv.
"Bonnie?" Parv croaked watching as her eyes slowly opened.
"Oh not you" Bonnie moaned as a joke making the crowd that had formed around them laugh.

"She's awake, and quirky as ever" Smith chuckled holding his freshly bandaged arm.

Sitting up with the help of Parv, Bonnie shook her head free from her vision, "What happened?" She asked and Parv huffed, "You held that pendent of yours, there was a bright light then you passed out".

Getting to her feet Bonnie searched for Rythian in the crowd and walked over to him.
"I know who I am now Rythian, and I know your part in it. Thank you" she said and Rythian bowed his head, "Your save now, and your parents would be proud. I have watched over you ever since that fateful day, they are missed".

"I know they are" Bonnie said as she looked down at her pendent, that now hung around her neck, the purple gem now a mix of Blue and Green.

"It's time to fight" Bonnie said turning to Xephos, "What's our first move?" She asked and the spaceman smiled, "Well, there's been some things I have been working on back at Yoglabs, and if they have survived they will defiantly help us".

"Well let's get going then!" She cheered turning to the crowd of Minecraftians.
It was time to stand together.
To fight together for the common cause.
No longer was it Magic Police Vs The Undesirables.
It was Everyone vs Lalnable!
And Lalnable was in for the toughest fight of his life.

<><Authors Note><>
Filler chapter before the big fight

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