Knock, knock...

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Thus, after having explored Mystic Ruins a bit more in an effort to find Eggman, Sonic and Tails find an old friend of theirs.

Thus, after having explored Mystic Ruins a bit more in an effort to find Eggman, Sonic and Tails find an old friend of theirs

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"Knuckles!" Sonic exclaims.

However, something Knuckles attempts to punch Sonic twice and even do a dashing punch towards him, but Sonic is fast enough to dodge each one.

"...Somethin' buggin' ya? Or what? I thought we were friends..."

Knuckles: "Don't play games! Those Emeralds you have...I need them!."

Sonic: "Why?!"

Knuckles: "I have to use them to stop Chaos. He's returned."

Sonic: "Well, I'm keeping them to prevent Chaos from getting them!"

While fighting, Sonic & Knuckles accidentally run towards each other without knowing, causing both of the emeralds to fall--Sonic's green and blue ones.

"Aw, crap! The Chaos Emeralds!"

Of their misfortune, Dr. 'Eggman' appears again.

Sonic: "Eggman!"

Emitting a blue light from the substructure of the Eggmobile, he takes both of the Chaos Emeralds.

Robotnik: "Hmph...fool, swallowing my deception like that."

Knuckles: "What?! Why did you take the Chaos Emeralds?! I thought we were a team?"

Robotnik: "See, I wanted an easier way to get them. I used your personality to my advantage--again!"

Sonic: "What do you mean? Oh, it couldn't possibly be...

You let Eggman fool you again?!"

Knuckles reddens. "Sh-shut up!"

Sonic: "No offense dude, seem to be quite gullible."

" I have 4 Emeralds! There's only 3 left!

Chaos! Take these!" Robotnik says as he throws them both at Chaos, turning him from Chaos-2 to Chaos-4.

Chaos! Take these!" Robotnik says as he throws them both at Chaos, turning him from Chaos-2 to Chaos-4

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Tails: "Ah, he transformed again!"

Sonic: "He sure doesn't know when to give us a break!"

Knuckles: ", Chaos Emeralds make him stronger, not defeat him..."

Sonic: "What's that?"

Knuckles: "Well...first of all, Chaos shattered the Master Emerald."

Tails: "No way! Chaos already sounds powerful enough...I can't imagine what it could be like if it gets all 7 Emeralds..."

Knuckles: "Then, Eggman came up and told me that he was also trying to defeat Chaos after it was somehow released, so I thought I could give him a chance and team up with him. Unfortunately, that's not what he was actually trying to do."

Sonic: "I wonder if Eggman himself is the one who released it...?"

Before they knew it, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles look up at the sky to find a massive floating fortress. It leisurely lands at Mystic Ruins, near the spot where the trio are.

"Behold! The almighty air fortress: the Egg Carrier! You haven't seen the true power of Chaos yet!"

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"Behold! The almighty air fortress: the Egg Carrier! You haven't seen the true power of Chaos yet!"

A blue light similar to the one Dr. Eggman used to snatch the Chaos Emeralds is shone on him, lifting him to the Egg Carrier.

"Until we meet again...!"

Tails: "Can't let him get away that easily! My lab's nearby, so we can bring out the Tornado."

Sonic: "Yeah!"

Knuckles: "Sonic...I'll need to find the Master Emerald pieces. Sorry, but I can't go with.

Sonic: "I's fine, Knuckles. We can take care of him ourselves! Let's get 'em, Tails!"

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