Danger in the Skies

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Later, Sonic reaches the end of Red Mountain. He looks at the sky just in time as Tails arrives in his new-and-improved Tornado model, formally called the 'Tornado II'.


"Tails!! You're okay! I was real worried about you..."

Sonic hops onto the plane as Tails swiftly flies forward.

"Ready to roll, champ? To that Egg Carrier!"

Tails: "We're going after it!"

Tails boosts the speed of the plane to as fast as it can possibly go.

The Egg Carrier sends out a bunch of missile launchers. Fortunately, the duo evades each one.

Sonic: "Alright! We passed through the first line of defense."

Tails: "Here they come again...Tornado, transformation. Alright, here goes nothing!!"

After beating the doctor's defenses twice, the Tornado II reaches the Egg Carrier.

Tails: "We're in!"

Sonic: "Now we gotta land on the Egg Carrier!"

Tails: "Oh no! Uhh, I-I kinda forgot..."

Sonic: "What's that now?"

Tails: "This thing has no landing gear after transforming."

Sonic: "Whaaaat?"

Sonic and Tails, along with the Tornado, land on the Egg Carrier.

Sonic: "Wow, this thing looks more unbelievable the closer we look at it!"

Tails: "I agree, but no time to admire things now! Let's save Amy Rose!"

Sonic: "Right, my friend. Here we...go!!"

Sonic dashes across the floor of the Egg Carrier.

Eggman sees them both. "Don't get too excited, Sonic! You haven't seen all the power this vessel really has yet! Get a load of this!"

The Egg Carrier changes shape.

Tails: "It transformed..."

Sonic: "At this rate, we can't get to the bridge..."

Tails: "But, we don't know that for sure yet."

Eggman: "Hahahahahahah!! Did you see it, hear it, were you expecting that? The only way to get to me is by getting through the Sky Deck. I'd be surprised if you manage to figure this one out!"

Sonic: "Oh, yeah? Bring it on!"

Sonic spindashes up a slope. "This most likely leads to what he calls the Sky Deck.", Sonic thought to himself.

Eventually, Sonic makes it to the center of the Egg Carrier after clearing the Sky Deck.

"Is that all there is?"

Tails hops down to the center too.

"It might be. But, let's check out the bridge."

Sonic uses a device to go onto the deck of the Egg Carrier where he meets Amy confronted with Dr. Eggman.

Amy: "Sonic! I'm glad you're here!"

Eggman: "You're too late!"

He uses the claw to take the bird from Amy.

Amy: "Ah!"

Sonic and Tails jump in front of Eggman as he pulls a Chaos Emerald from the bird's necklace.

Tails: "It had a Chaos Emerald!"

Sonic: "No way..."

Eggman: "As long as I have the Emerald, I won't need you anymore. Gamma!"

A robot, E-102 "γ", shows up in the shadows.

"You called me, Doctor?"

Eggman: "Get rid of that hedgehog and his inane friends! Show them what you got!

I'll leave the rest to you!"

Dr. Eggman flies to the front of the Egg Carrier while Sonic and Gamma get ready to fight.

After the fight, Sonic runs to E-102 Gamma as he's about to pull the final blow on him...until Amy quickly protects Gamma from Sonic.

Amy: "Stop it, Sonic!"

Sonic: "Amy?! Step aside! I don't want you to get hurt!"

Amy: "This robot isn't evil! He helped me. Please give Gamma a chance..."

Sonic glances at the broken, injured robot.

"Amy...I believe you. I guess you have your reasons."

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