11: I lied to you

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We waited until it was getting dark to get closer to the fairy cottage. As i lead them to the front door quietly we headed inside slowly and everyone spread out looking for her. "She's not upstairs," Jay said coming from upstairs soon we heard banging on a door looking around I saw the door move. "Marilyn wait it could be a trap" Harry called out grabbing my hand "It's fine" i said and he stared at me for a moment before sighing and letting my hand go. 

Walking closer to the door i pecked inside, rolling my eyes i opened it and looked down. "Chad?" i asked looking at him. "I want my mommy." he replied looking up at me reaching for him he jumped back a little "It's okay, What happened?" helping him up it looks like he was in a daze

"Marilyn...Marilyn!" Chad said gasping and grabbing the sides of my face. " Your face! i forgot how beautiful you are" he said getting closer to my face "She's gone? Huh? The door is open. I'm free. Freedom! Oh! Freedom!" he screamed as i pushed him away and he ran out the door and into the woods. Harry started laughing and i just shrugged before following him out.

"Where did he go?" i asked looking around for Chad and everyone humped their shoulders. "I don't know but let's get this Audrey chick taken care of already. What do you say, girls time to wrap things up?" Uma said and we all started laughing and agreeing with her. I felt an arm around my shoulder and looking over it was Andy, smiling up at him he kissed my forehead as we all walked together.

"You know, someday, you're gonna have to tell me how you guys all got teamed up." Ben said and E started talking answering his question. "Actually, Marilyn and Mal promised to let all the kids off the Isle once this is over." I looked over at Mal and she looked glanced at me "Mal?"

"I have to tell you guys something. Um... I lied to you." Mal started but i stopped her "No i lied the kids won't be coming off the Isle." I said looking at everyone. "What do you mean?" Jay asked "the program is shut down and the barrier... will be closed for good." i said looking at everyone and i saw hook grunt in the back. "For Auradon's safety." Mal said trying to help

"Hold up so we're saving your precious people and your behinds for a lie. I knew it was a mistake to trust you you're always out for yourself." Uma said walking towards me "Yes i lied but i did what i had to do to protect my people if you would have just giving Mal the ember none of this would have happened"

"So you're blaming me now?"

"You, Queen Mallie... you're probably just gonna throw us all back inside." Harry said getting in my face "Yes i do blame you but i also blame myself what do you expect me to do i am the daughter of Captian Jack Sparrow and Calypso i did what i had to do in the face of a threat and I'd do it again just to protect my people" i said as my vision started getting blurry and i started seeing orange, closing my eyes for a moment i open then and i was face to face with my mother. Calypso.


"Marilyn...come" she said opening her arms and i hugged her as she squeezed me tight that's when i broke down and started crying

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