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BIG WARNING: This chapter contains sexual assault. If this is triggering to you in the slightest please do not read.

The morning sun crept through a window. You awoke. Your eyes slanted open, barely able to recollect the events of yesterday. The sun made you shake and you remembered where you were. You were in the old barn that you'd found last night. Étiennette was still asleep and the sun was creeping through the windows on the left. It was an oddly peaceful moment for the day you were going to have.

You stretched out and sat up. It was early morning and you looked over at Étiennette. A smile crept on your face. She was awake and staring up at you. Picking her up, you moved your dress down and began to feed her. This was one of your favorite things to do, to sit in silence while she drank from your breasts, it felt natural and one of the few calm and sweet moments you had in life.

You had a vague plan on what you needed to do. First, you'd need to find a place where Étiennette to stay and then you'd need to find a place where you could work. The type of work you'd get didn't matter very much, as long as it wasn't prosituation.

As you were thinking, you felt Étiennette fuss, removing her from your breast, you held her and looked down. She was a look between you and your husband, or as you said, your former husband. She had inherited your eye color and her father's jet black hair. Her complexion was more like yours, with a tint of pale from her father. The older she grew, the more you loved her. She was what kept you going, whatever you did, you did for her. She would grow up knowing that she is loved and will have a better future than you, is what you had decided.

Getting up, you picked up your bag with your few possessions and headed out, making sure to lock the door to the back as you left. Stepping out, you felt the cool late August Parsian breeze on your skin, it reminded you a bit of Normandy, but it was warmer. Maybe one day you'd go back to Normandy, you missed your family's friends and the little girls down the road, but you couldn't think about those things, that was wishful and you had to stay realistic for the sake of yourself and Étiennette.

Keeping your head down, you began the walk towards the more inter areas of Paris. The barn had been in a secluded area, which you were grateful for. Walking through the streets you reached the lower working class of people. The buildings were stacked high without color. You hadn't noticed it before, making it sadder to look at. You heard some children running and playing around. It made you smile, even the poor children seemed happy.

You kept walking, until you reached a corner and saw a woman sitting on her porch, knitting. She had a few children around her, which seemed to be hers. You came up to her, a slight smile on your face.

"Why, hello?" She said, looking up at you.

"Hello madam. I'm sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you would like to make some money." You said, getting straight to the point. She looked a little confused, so you began speaking again.

"Well, you see madam, I have this problem, I need a job but I don't have anyone to look after my daughter while I'm working. I don't have a job yet, but when I get one I will need someone to watch her during the day. I could pay you five shillings a week." You said, tilting your head to look down at Étiennette.

"Well, I already have four of my own, but I could use the money. What's her name? She's a beautiful baby." The kind lady said.

"Étiennette. I had her about a month ago. By the way, my name is Y/N L/N." You said, giving her your maiden name. You had decided to drop the Delure name after you had left Clement.

"Why, that's a beautiful name. I'm Violet by the way. At what time can you pick her up?" The lady asked.

"I don't know, but around 7, probably. I can pay you at the end of the week, madam, if that works for you." You said, kissing Étiennette on the head.

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