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It was now early January and snow had fallen outside, creating a picturesque scene of white with the tall evergreens and their looming shadows. You had begun to get out a bit more, though you still avoided the maids, when possible.

To your surprise though, you were mainly left alone when you went out. Napoléon had been kind enough to give Étiennette her own little private room. For Christmas she'd been given some new toys, and her own little wardrobe, which you knew must have cost more than all your combined salaries from the past year. You had almost declined it, knowing how much it was worth, but Napoléon told you it was nothing. That had made you quiet, after all, he was the Emperor of France, this was nothing in his eyes.

You'd been gifted 10 new dresses for Christmas. All custom made and fitted for you from the finest dress-maker in all of Paris. All of the dresses were different colors and fit perfectly. Napoléon said he didn't know what you wanted so he wanted to get a little bit of everything. It was such a sight you had begun crying at the sight of the dresses. You hadn't been given a new dress for 5 years, ever since getting married. Along with the dress Napoléon had given you a black mink coat and 1,000 Shillings to do with what you pleased.

"Napoléon, are you sure you can afford these? I don't really need them, I can wear my old clothes, these must've cost you a small fortune, and I don't need the money-" You had begun on Christmas morning, but Napoléon had stopped you.

"y/n, this is nothing. I can afford this. I have enough money to live here, surely I can afford you a dress or two, put one on. I'm particularly fond of that light pink one, it goes with your cheeks." He had said, making you smile and blush. He smiled, he loved seeing you dress nice and feminie.

He had more free time between Christmas and New year's; a rarity for him. You had spent long days with him, discovering and talking in never ending conversations with him. You had asked him about his military tactics and the different countries he'd been to and he'd talk for hours on in, while you sat at the edge of your chair. You, of course, had never been outside France, but would love to go to the places he described, though you knew you never would.

Lucien however, hadn't taken so kindly to your relationship with him. After Christmas, he had confronted Napoléon about what he was going to do with you when they would most likely invaded Portugal.

Napoléon had rolled his eyes in disappointment and sighed, saying that he wouldn't be in Portugal long, a month at most, and that y/n could stay in the palace and he'd write to you. Lucien retorted that Portugal had England on their side and that it'd be a hard battle and at least 3 months at least.

"Well then, if you're so sure it'll be that long then hell, I'll just take her with me!" Napoléon yelled on one particularly angry and late night at Lucien, thinking it'd shut him up as he drew out a battle plan.

"If you do that, I'd die! You can't bring a woman to a battle! She'd die! You're insane, I'm going to go tell her how insane you are! God help me!" He yelled in anger. Napoléon rolled his eyes and rummaged a hand through his dark brown hair.

"Why do you obsess over her so much? You claim she's just some peasant but get so upset whenever I mention her. Why don't you just leave her alone." Napoléon said, turning around to an angry Lucien.

"You need to break it off with her. Marie Louise is eligible and will give you an heir. I know you fall in love too easily, my brother, I know you, you'll fall in love with y/n and marry her and regret it, like you did Joséphine-"

"SHUT UP! GET OUT! NOW!" Napoléon roared, getting out of his chair. Lucien knew he messed up. He ran out before Napoléon could roar anymore and heard him slam the door as he walked out and heard him cursing.

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