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Waking up, the sun trickles down on your face, the curtains dripping in the morning sun. Something's around your waist, for a second, you're confused until you remember it's Napoléon.

You had slept so well that you had almost forgotten what you two had done last night. He was warm and soft, his hands tightly around you. He's so soft and it feels so right to lay next to him. You still aren't sure about him, but you found yourself falling for him. No one had taken you in such a caring way. You don't want to move, you want to stay like this a little longer.

Étiennette was still asleep. She looks so peaceful from your view. This is the best you've felt in a long time. You were still unsure of Napoléon and everything, but he seemed so kind. Nuzzling your head against his neck he wakes up slightly. It surprises you but he moves his hands up from your waist to where your breasts begin. You smile to yourself at his gesture, you'd never had a man touch you like him.

"Good morning." He said, his voice quiet as to not wake Étiennette. You turn around, your eyes focusing on him. His dark brown hair is a mess, his blue eyes shine in the sunlight rays. He's so handsome, even for a man his age. Laying your head down, he pulls you closer to him. At this point you're still naked, but you have a sheet wrapped around you.

"Good morning." You whispered, cheeks blushing a rose red. He kisses your nose, smiling to himself, he brings his hands down lower and your chest almost touches him until you hear a loud cry. It's Étiennette. She must be hungry.

You kiss him again and stand up, wrapping the sheet around your nude body. You walk over to Étiennette and pick her up. Sitting down, you let a breast out and start to nurse her. Napoléon gets up and looks over your shoulder down at her. She's starving.

"Do you want a nurse for her? Cherie?" He asked quietly, his face nudging up to your neck. You nod no, you enjoy feeding her and wouldn't trust anyone else to give her milk.

Getting finished, you lay her down and turn back to Napoléon, he's already up and getting dressed. Picking up Étiennette, you decide to get dressed and shower as well. Napoléon looks over at you, his sky eyes seeming to lace your body. You still blush at what you did last night with him, it was the first time you'd ever truly enjoyed it.

"Is it alright if I bathe?" You ask him, grabbing Étiennette's blanket to calm her.

"Yes. I have work to do today with my brother, but I'll be done by at least 5. I hope to have dinner with you, if that'd be acceptable with you." He said, his voice a type of kindness you'd never heard in many men.

"Sure." You say, blushing as he moves his eyes along you. Not even Clement ever did such a thing, and he was your husband for four years! Napoléon moves over and kisses Étiennete on the head, along with you on the check. You smile and wave bye to him.

Maybe everything will be okay.


A/N: OKAY OKAY, I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING for three months. High school has been hard af, and now I'm online. I'm sooooo soooo sorry for not updating and for such a short chapter, I promise I will come out with a longer chapter in a week or two. God bless.

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