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The days went on quickly. After the wedding the coronation took place and for nearly a week the celebration went on. It had been planned for longer, but Napoléon cut it short due to your newly discovered 'condition'.

He was ecstatic about you being pregnant. An heir would come and he was just overall excited to become a father. You were happy as well, though a dull ache from the loss of your daughter still was in your heart, though you knew it would never fully heal.

As the days went by more and more, Napoléon kept you inside more, making sure no harm would come to you or the baby. You had noticed this pregnancy was different from when you were carrying Étiennette, the baby was much larger and you felt more clunky than usual. You figured it might just be a slight difference and nothing to worry about.

Months went by and you spent more time in the palace. Napoléon sadly spent more time away but you understood why and whenever he came home he'd bring you a lavish gift, making you blush and feel spoiled.

When your final month came around, Napoléon was by your side 24/7. He had grown worried about you and the baby, you were as well but you didn't fear giving birth as much anymore after doing it once.

On July 17th after eating dinner, you were lying down with your husband as he was brushing your hair when you felt a strong, wincing pain. You cringed, knowing this feeling before.

"Is the baby coming?" Napoléon asked softly, but with a tone of nervousness in his voice. You nodded gently, trying to stay calm.

"Yes, I believe it is time." At those words you felt your water break. Napoléon picked you up and brought you to the room that had been prepared for your birth. The rest of the servants noticed and began rushing around.

Napoléon laid you down on the bed and took your hand, whispering to you as the nurses rushed around. You felt like all of this was a little ridiculous but you said nothing, running your free hand across your tight belly.

He kissed you on the forehead as a contraction hit you which gave you some amount of small comfort. It passed after a bit and a midwife checked on you, saying that you were already 4cm dilated already. You knew it was going to be a long night.


The night went on and finally you were told to push. Napoléon was still beside you, even though some had asked him to leave but that had not gone over well, he was going to stay by your side until he made sure everything was alright and the baby was healthy and well.

You pushed for a long time, silent tears spilling down your eyes. Napoléon encouraged you until at about 4 in the morning, you heard a loud wail and a slimy, red, but very alive baby came out of your womb.

"It's a boy!" A nurse exclaimed. You gave a breathy smile, exhausted.

"Oh y/n, I love you." Napoléon whispered. As you laid down, you heard the cannons go off and a nurse came up to you.

"Madame, it seems as if you have another baby in your womb." She said, at this another contraction hit you hard as you began to cry more.

Napoléon looked shocked and took your hand as you began to push again.

"Napoléon, I can-can't do this, I'm too tired. It h-hurts!" You cried out, gripping Napoléon's hand. You were so sweaty and tired, feeling your slit rip open.

"You can, I know you can, just a few more pushes and then you'll be done." He said softly, you nodded and pushed one more time and the other baby came out but that was all you knew before everything went black.


You woke up in a different room, your eyes slowly adjusting to your new surroundings. You were aware of a man sitting next to you and as you came to understand, it was your husband and he was holding two small bundles in his arms.

"Hello, my love." He said gently.

"What happened? Are they okay?" You asked. Napoléon smiled.

"You blacked out for a few hours but you're alright now. The babies are fine. Two healthy little boys." He said, letting you lean over to see their little faces. They were perfect.

"Ohh my. Two boys? What are their names?" You asked him.

"They don't have any yet. I want you to name them, you've earned it anyway, momma." He whispered, giving you them. Looking down at them you cooed in love.

"This one, the eldest, I will name you Nicéphore Rémy, for you are my victory and in battle you will be victorious. And you, my second one, I will name Adélard Renard, for you are noble and will be wise." You said tenderly, smiling at your little ones.

"Hmm, wonderful." Napoléon responded, kissing your forehead.

Never in a million years did you imagine life to turn out this way. 

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