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The date was soon set for the wedding and coronation. Napoléon had almost made you faint when he said that he had planned the wedding and coronation on the same day, only 4 hours apart from each other, in the same ballroom.

Napoléon had given you free control over your dress and your vows. He had wanted to give you the control over decor, but it was too much for you to handle and he understood.

So, a week later after he had asked you to marry him, you were fitted for your wedding dress. You had decided on white dress with flowers that matched your wedding ring. It had long sleeves and had light blue and light pink flowers. It was ballroom in style and was the most elegant thing you had ever laid eyes upon. It had a 15 foot train with a flower trimmed pattern on the sides. It was gorgeous, and made you feel like a queen. And soon you soon would be an empress, which was close.

For the coronation you'd decided on a white dress with the French royal coat that had been worn by Napoléon on his coronation day and had given it to you. You were mostly nervous about the coronation mostly, but Napoléon had given you consuel and said all would be fine.

And so everything went on by the days and you grew excited, but a large part of you missed your baby girl. You missed her so much. Her laugh, her smile, her cries. Some nights you'd lay awake and think of her. You prayed she was happier, though you wished she had lived to know Napoléon more and you wondered how happy she'd be here, though you knew she'd be happier, wherever she was.

So, the month went on and you grew happy and warm. Napoléon was introducing you to everyone he knew every night. It was tiring, but you knew it was your duty soon as the soon to be Empress. And something had happened that you never quite expected, but were delighted at.

You were pregnant.

Yes really, you were going to have a baby.

About a week before the wedding, you'd seen the doctor because of morning sickness and weariness. You knew the symptoms and it had confirmed your suspicions. It was a bit of a shock, but you were elated nonetheless. Napoléon would have an heir. Something which he needed. And, it'd please the rest of the Bonaparte family.

However, you weren't going to tell him until you two had married. In fact, you were going to whisper it to him on the altar. Though in morning, you found happiness. You knew everything was going to be okay.


The day of the wedding finally came. You'd awaken very early, bathed, were doused in perfume and then your hair was done. Napoléon soon woke after you and dressed. You didn't let him see your dress though.

"No you rascal! You can't see me until tonight!" You said giggling, you were being dressed in undergarments and Napoléon kissed your neck.

"Well alright. I'll see you tonight, my cherie." He said, kissing you passionately. "Love you." You nodded back and your corset was tightened. God, you hated corsets. When you became Empress you'd try to make corsets less popular. You were starting to think they were dangerous. At least Napoléon didn't force you to wear them.

It took almost 2 hours to get fully dressed. Finally, your dress was put on and your make up was done. Looking in the mirror, you gasped.

You felt beautiful. And you were. The dress fitted perfectly and your hair looked perfect. You'd never felt so lovely...

"Madame Y/N! We must get going!" The maid said. You nodded, taking one final look in the mirror and walking out.

You were led down a secret passage down to the ballroom. There were bodyguards down everyhall and taking a glance out the window, from the fence miles off you could see a crowd of the upper-middle class, nobility, and even royalty outside. Your heart raced.

You meet the large, wooden door and heard the violins and organ playing. Inside was the love of your life and your entire future. And the future was inside you, literally. You felt a little nauseous, but it wasn't from morning sickness, this was really happening.

The doors opened and all the eyes went on you. The maids who had led you scrambled off and you were left alone. Ahead of you Napoléon's niece, the flower girl, was walking down the aisle with white and light pink flowers.

When she finished, you took your first steps down the aisle. Your breath was shaky, but you saw the man of your dreams and he smiled, his blue eyes filled with love. Smiling slightly, the doors were shut behind your train and all eyes were on you.

In the front, behind Napoléon was the Pope himself and to the right side to your surprise was what looked to be a Presbytirian pastor. In the front rows were the entire Bonaparte family and to the other side were some Spanish Nobility.

As you passed by Joseph, he gave you a wink and smile. You smiled even more. You were marrying into a great family. Looking at Napoléon looked deeply into your eyes and you walked up to him on the dias.

He took your hands in his and looked you over and took off your veil, revealing your face. He smiled and whispered, 'God, you're so gorgeous.' Smiling, the clergy member came up to both of you.

Then, the long, traditional marriage ceremony began. It was all in Latin, and you understood little of it, and it seemed not many did. All eyes were still on you and it was nerve wracking. Looking out at the crowd, it almost reminded you of your first marriage, but you brushed it off quickly. You didn't need to think about that at the moment, it had ended months ago.

After what seemed like an hour, the vows were finally said. It was so sweet and every word you meant. In sickness and health, for better or worse, you meant it fully. And at the end of your vows and placing the ring on his finger, you whispered to him alone,

"I'm pregnant."

Napoléon smiled wide and whispered back, "I love you, so much." You smiled and blushed a deep crimson.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." The priest said. Napoléon kissed you deeply and held you passionately. The entire crowd clapped and loud music played. His mouth and hands didn't let go of you.

"I'm so happy." He said between kissing. "You're pregnant, I'm so happy." You smiled, and could feel his hard on. You felt so happy and good, he was the perfect man. He had saved you and it felt like you had saved him, especially now with a baby on the way. You said a silent prayer of thanks and kissed him more. You couldn't wait to begin your new married life.

 A/N: Sorry this chapter is sorta rushed. I wanted to make sure to get this out before school ends. I already past the deadline of my birthday (sorry!) and I'm gonna finish this soon. Hope you all are still enjoying this.

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