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"Hello"  Teahyung greeted Jin as he was passing by.

"Hi" Jin blushed.

You see, Jin has been crushing on Teahyung from the very first moment he saw him. It was like crush at first sight.

It was their first day at college. Teahyung and his friend Seo-joon were sitting behind Jin and Ken.

"Hey" Seo-joon poked Jin, trying to start a conversation.

"Hie" Jin politely replied.

"Hi, I am Seo-joon and this is my friend Taehyung." Jin's eyes followed Seo-joon's hands.

"Hi" a smiling Taehyung greeted.

Jin's gaze fell on Taehyung. Taehyung's brown eyes were sparkling. His eyes were big and round with long lashes and a well defined inner corner. His mole on his lower lip captivated Jin. He was cute, very very cute. Jin's heart did a few back flip. He wanted to loose himself in those sparkling eyes but he composed himself and carried out the conversation. Soon enough they all became good friends. Eventually their group expanded, it now consisted of more than 10 members. They used to go to restaurants, malls, sight seeing. It was fun.
Jin still remember the time they went sight seeing near a waterfall. The area around was slippery so Taehyung hold Jin's hand to support him.

"Here, hold my hand, I will take you there." Taehyung said, giving his hand to Jin.

Jin was elated, he felt as if he was in cloud 9. Without a second thought he grabbed Taehyung's hand.
At that moment, how Jin wanted time to stop. Taehyung carefully took his steps while holding Jin's hand in a tight grip and then they reached near a big flat rock. They were standing on the rock, hands interlocked. Jin wanted to stay like that forever. But the moment didn't last long, eventually they had to let go.

There was another time, when they had their college fest afterparty. With DJ playing on the background, Jin and Seo-joon were doing a couple dance, just for fun but then Taehyung came near and with a swift of moment, Seo-joon pulled Taehyung and Jin together, putting Taehyung's hands on Jin's waist. Jin was nearly out of breath, he didn't know how to react, he kept his gaze to his feet while they did a little couple dance.

As time passed by, Jin was falling head over heels for Taehyung but Taehyung didn't seem to care. It was always Jin that would approach Teahyung, play with his hair, it was Jin's favourite activity, even flirt with him sometime. Jin had a boyfriend though, Namjoon, but that was a lost cause. So he didn't feel guilty about falling for someone else. For some reason, Jin assumed that Taehyung is single so when he got to know that he already has a girlfriend, that day Jin was devastated. He cried and cried for hours. For the next couple of days Jin was in a downcast. He tried to console himself, tried his best to not feel for the other, as he had no intention of being a homewrecker. Teahyung eventually came to know about Jin's feelings but he didn't act on them as he had no feeling for Jin and also he already had a girlfriend. Over time, Jin convinced his heart to accept the fact that Taehyung will never be his.
As times passed by, their group fell apart because of being in different departments. Jin eventually met Jimin and Suga and the trio became best of friends.
Two years passed by, but to this day, everytime he sees Taehyung, his heart does few back flips. That dance and waterfall moment, still fresh in his memory.

"Hey, do you know, Taehyung broke up with his girlfriend." Seo-joon stated as he was sipping on his coffee.

Jin and Seo-joon are sitting outside their college canteen, catching up with each other. Even though their group fell apart, these two had still managed to keep their friendship and will catch up from time to time.
Seo-joon knew about Jin's crush on Teahyung.

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