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"I think I love him." Jungkook uttered, a little shy.

"Does Jin know?" Hoseok enquired.

"No, I didn't tell him yet. I am afraid what if he turns me down?" Jungkook is nervous, hands all sweaty.

"It's up to you bro, but if you think you really love him then you should tell him. But be careful, don't confuse your attraction to love."

"No Hobi. I have no doubt about my feelings. I am as sure as eggs is eggs."

"Okay then, you go get him bro." Hoseok encouraged after hearing Jungkook's loud and clear answer.

Initially Hoseok was worried that his friend will end up breaking his heart down the line but he also could not help but notice how happy Jungkook looks this past few days. So he finally accepted the fact that Jungkook is no longer dwelling and hurting upon Lisa and more than ready to move on.


Jungkook's POV

I was not sure of my feelings. I knew I like Jin but I was not sure if it was a mere attraction or love. To be honest, I don't actually want to start a relationship. I mean I love Jin but after how my last relationship ended, I am not sure if this relationship and all is my thing. But I don't want to leave Jin either. After that kiss last night, I don't think I will be able to not love him, ever. That kiss sent 5000 volt electricity down my spine. That was the most beautiful sensation I have ever felt in my life. I am totally electrocuted. Electrocuted in love.


"I think we need to talk about us." Jin said avoiding Jungkook's gaze as they are walking side by side.

"Ya, about that. Ya...ummm"

"I can't be in a relationship." Jin blurted out cutting whatever Jungkook was about to say.

"I was about to say the same." Jungkook replied, trying his best not to show his hurt.

He wandered why is he so hurt? He wanted the same thing right? Then why does it feel like someone is hammering his chest?

"I actually don't believe in love." Jungkook continued, trying his best to look as if he doesn't give a fuck.

"Oh." Jin's disappointment could be seen in his reply.

Even though, it was Jin who said that he doesn't want a relationship, deep down he wanted Jungkook to persuade him and tell him that he loves him. After his horrible experience with Namjoon, Jin actually wanted nothing more than a decent relationship. He wanted someone to love him, without abusing him. You see, even though his last relationship failed, Jin actually never gave up on love. He is like that only.
Love didn't hurt you, someone that didn't know how to love hurt you, this has been Jin's motto. That's why he desperately wanted Taehyung's love but when the latter didn't reciprocate his feelings, Jin was left heart broken. He spent many nights crying, thinking about how nobody loves him. But when he was finally giving up on the idea of being loved, Jungkook showed up, opening a new and beautiful world for him. Jungkook was not even Jin's ideal type, he looked like a dork, a workaholic, who doesn't know how to enjoy life. Even Jin was not aware as to when he started falling for the nerd until yesterday. Yesterday, that kiss happened which shook his whole world. That was like a wake up call for Jin as he finally realised that the prince charming he was looking for, was in front of him.

Jin doesn't know why he said that he can't be in a relationship, maybe he is afraid that Jungkook will end up being another Namjoon. But he didn't expect such a reply from Jungkook. He is hurt.

"We should go back." Jin said with a heavy heart.
"Ya, let's go back." Jungkook followed.


"What are you so afraid of?" Jimin questions, he knows very well how indecisive Jin can be sometimes.

"I don't know chim, I mean, I like him, but I don't know if I should be in a relationship with him? " Jin replied, a little coy, a little confused.

"Oh come on Jin! For all I know, Jungkook is a great guy and I bet he will be very successful in his life too. He is not some dick like Namjoon you know?" Jimin almost demanded as if his life depends on it.

"But he said he doesn't believe in love." Jin's disappointment could be seen in this statement.

"I bet he said that because you told him you can't be in a relationship. No one likes to be side lined you know? Tell me honestly do you feel loved when you are with him?" Smart Jimin.

"Yes" Jin's eyes light up.

"Then what are you so unsure about?"

"He had a girlfriend until just recently."

"And you had a boyfriend too. What's your point? Don't give me excuses."

"Umm...I don't know..I will think about it."

"Give him a chance." Jimin placed his hand on Jin's shoulder and then gave him a reassuring pat on the back.

All Jimin wanted was Jin's happiness and he knew that Jungkook is a great guy, a little nerdy but great.


After there no relationship discussion, Jin and Jungkook actually never discussed on the topic again. Jin thought he will tell the truth if Jungkook ever speaks in that matter and Jungkook thought he will tell Jin that what he said the other day was just a result of his stupid ego getting in the way. But neither spoke in that matter so the case was automatically closed. But in fact, they are now spending more time together. They go to study together, dinner together and ofcourse go for evening walks together. Everyone they meet, see them being all lovey dovey with each other so they ask if they are a couple but Jin and Jungkook politely decline, also secretly hoping for it to be true.


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Ugh! So frustrating right? They just don't see it.

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