(1000 Doors) Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion

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Who was calling you?


The world was blurry, and nothing made sense. You saw green, blue, and a darker figure that was closer to you. They held their hand out to you.

"Come on, doll."


There was something cold on your cheek and under your arm. It felt rough. You felt your senses come back to you. First it was touch, then sight soon followed. You saw black from your eyes being closed. Taste was next and your tongue felt dry. Then smell was granted and your nose still tingled a bit from the chemical. Finally, there was sound. Just a low hum that echoed around you.

You managed to open your eyes and a what looked like a cellar came into your fuzzy vision. Your head ached again. But this time the pain was bearable. Probably the aftereffects of the migraine you had. And sleeping on the floor. You slowly got up and you had never felt more weak or drained. You wonder how much time had passed since both times you had been knocked out. Surely not more than a day or two. Right?

There wasn't much to look at. Some bookshelves, cabinets, desks, a piano, and a table in the middle of the room. But what you did notice was the large doll of your sister on said table. It was about her height, and it eerily looked like her. The same red hair, likely the same hazel eyes, you could only see so much from the ground. There was even the classic white lab coat you always saw her in unless it was her day off. The only difference was the wood it was made of. If you weren't so freaked out about dolls already, you were now.

The problem wasn't if it looked realistic; you could tell it was a doll. The problem was that it lay right in the middle of uncanny valley. You didn't even want to go near it for fear of it moving. After seeing the doll from earlier, you weren't in the mood to test your luck.

There were two doors, on behind you and another in the left corner of the room, and a corridor on your right. Slowly you stood up to try the door behind you, but your legs gave up almost as soon as you tried. You resorted to crawling around until you could find something to keep you stable and on your feet.

Then the lights went out.

"You'll play with me, won't you?"

The doll's voice whispered into your ear. Even though you couldn't see, you still turned in fear and tried scooting back, or at least away.

"Please, won't you stay with me...forever?"

The lights came back on, and nothing had seemed to change in the room, but you were scared out of your mind. You had to escape. No way were you going to stay here.

So, with much difficulty and effort, you used the table closest to you, and raised yourself to a standing position. You were so gonna kill your older sister for all this. She just had to be involved with this village. It couldn't have been a nice company in Texas or Florida or a patisserie in Paris. No. It had to be here.

You tried moving around the table, using it for support, and looked around the room once more. There was a radio on one of the tables and you breathed in the dread from the realization that this was probably going to take a lot longer than you would have liked.

Oh, joy.


A thousand puzzles later and now you were watching the projector screen with your next clue. A well, in a dark room. The radio in the room you woke up in would play recordings from your sister. You thought back on it when the video ended, and the projector fell to the ground.

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