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You ran across the rickety wooden bridge. You could feel the wood collapsing behind you.

With barely a scratch or a tumble, you leapt off the wood and onto the snowy terrain.

You looked behind you and saw no trace of the bridge nor the dock that had been there moments before.

You looked at the waters, trying to catch glimpses of the pitiful Lord. You really didn't know what to do.

You turned your back and pressed on. You would return to the factory and regroup with Heisenberg. You weren't sure where he was, but he definitely wasn't here.

The big question was how you were supposed to leave. Moreau was currently on a rampage and there's no telling what he would do if you were in the wrong spot at the wrong time. You might be able to calm him or at least get through to him if he wasn't swimming around so much.

If you could just drain all that water somehow.

You came upon a fork in the path, one direction leading to "Moreau's Clinic" the other one didn't say.

You took the path with no name which led you to the gatehouse. You opened the door and saw a control panel and a wall with a large hole behind it.

You also saw a large drawing of windmills and the gatehouse as well as instructions for how to drain the water.

How convenient.

"Reservoir Gatehouse Operations Instructotions

In an instance of heavy rain, the there may be damage to the local aquatic life. It is advised that you drain all excess water using the following steps:

1. Move the windmills with the crank to start the electricity to the gatehouse.

2. Pull the lever in the gatehouse to open the sluice gate."

How inconvenient

They couldn't just have a generator or something?

You sighed. At least you had an idea on what to do now.

You pulled the lever just in case by some stroke of luck there was already electricity being powered to it.

There was not.

Of course there wasn't. Why would it be that easy?

You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. You were not looking forward to this.


After about an hour of avoiding fish-monster Moreau. sticking your hand in questionable metal boxes, and getting all the required windmills ready, you ziplined back into the room that began all this bullshittery. Now all that was left was to press the colorful buttons and let the water out. 

It had taken a few tries but soon you heard the sound of falling water and you grinned at your success.

Now to find that fish.

You went outside, and as it turns out, you didn't have to look long. Coming into view and flopping/dragging himself away was Moreau.

"My precious water! No!"

"That was easy..." you mumbled to yourself as you went after him. 

You called out to him as you went. Trying to catch his attention "Moreau wait! I just want to talk!" You had a sinking feeling in your gut. Like no matter what you did or said to him, this was going to end badly. 

He wouldn't turn to face you, either caught up in his own thoughts of torment or delusions and you somehow lost him as you turned the corner. 

It was eerily silent. Only the sound of your breathing could be heard among the abandoned houses. How can someone so big make so little noise?

Round metal disks could be found scattered every now and then, as well as ammo and other small pieces of scrap metal. You were really hoping to avoid a fight. Out of all the lords, Moreau seemed the least harmful and you couldn't help but feel a sort of protectiveness and sense of pity for the poor thing. 

Slowly, you walked out of the house and onto the roof and jumped down to walk along the paths in between covered by water. Your splash made enough of a sound to hopefully bring out the fish lord. When nothing happened, you tried to call out for Moreau again. 

"Moreau? Can you come out?" You waited a breath. No response.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, I just want to talk to you!"

From behind came the sound of wood crashing and roar. "I'll make you proud mother. Watch me!"

You spun around, water swishing around from the quick movements and there approaching was Moreau in all his monstrous glory. From the mouth of the creature part of him was his upper torso and you could see his hands clutching onto the sides of his head. 

"Moreau, it's me! I'm your friend remember?!" You backed up as he made his way towards you. He seemed to be lost within his own mind. Or maybe his own pain. 

You were right to do so because just as you ran back to the path you had come from, Moreau spit up what looked to be a mixture of acid and vomit in the spot you had been standing in not moments before. 


You were running around, trying to find a way out and leave Moreau to his own devices. Maybe you could come back and he'd have a better idea of his surroundings. But he only kept chasing you. Crying out in sorrow asking, "Don't you love me, Mother?"

It hurt your heart to hear it. It was a question you remember asking your biological father once before he died. 

You didn't like this. You didn't like this at all. 

There was a crack in your voice as you called out to Moreau, desperately trying to make him stop his rampage

"Moreau! Snap out of it! I'm not trying to hurt you!"

"You. You and her. You're both the reason Mother doesn't love me."


That made you pause. 

Her?  Who's her? Dimitrescu?

You were aware that no one in this dysfunctional family of lords particularly liked one another but why did he call you out if that were the case? It didn't make any sense.

"Moreau, I don't understand. What you mean me? And who's her?"

You avoided another spray of vomit. 

"You...you and that scientist. That doctor. Mother doesn't want me," he climbed up onto one of the roofs. You were surprised his weight could even hold. 

"I've...I've been saving this one."

You had forgotten to move your feet. His response had your heart pounding in its chest, and it was all you could hear. Moreau was all you could see. And your clothes clung to your body uncomfortably. Cold and wet, that was all you felt. 

You could see him getting ready to spit something out. It was in the way his body kept retching forward and up into the sky. You would have gotten hurt. 

You would have been burned. You were almost ready for it. 

You were not ready for what actually happened. 

"I leave you alone for ten minutes and this is where you decide to end up?"

A deep and gruff question was asked by your ear. A familiar accent that made both your heart race and a tingling in your stomach appear. A sensation you deeply wanted to ignore.

The smell of oil. The smell of metal. The smell of cigar smoke. 

You felt a prickly sensation from where his beard must have grazed your ear. You felt his hand pull on your arm. His grip strong and firm. Foreign and familiar. But when would he have touched you?

You didn't even see him but you knew it was him. 

You were never more happy to see him.

Even if you also knew he was going to give you shit about this later.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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