The Lion's Den

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A/N: Howdy! College started. That's been fun. Part of the reason why I haven't updated in a hot minute. Hopefully this chapter makes up for that. Enjoy!

You weren't expecting much when you opened the door, but to say the manor was beautiful would be an understatement. It was tastefully decorated with carved wood, paintings, vases, and gold, and exuded an air of elegance.

What you didn't like, was the fact that there was no one here. A place like this usually had servants and yet you didn't hear anything. No breathing, no talking, no footsteps, nothing. If there was no one here, then who was all the food for?

With nothing but an awful sense of direction and a gut feeling, you quietly walked through the halls and while also looking for something to defend yourself with.

Just in case.

Heisenberg hadn't thought of giving you a weapon when he stuffed you into the crate. And you hadn't thought of asking the Duke for help.

Eventually, you came across a room with a staircase and a plaque on one of the walls. It read 'Mask the angels' blinded gaze, and only then will you be saved.'

Well, that's ominous.

Nothing happened after reading it. You half expected something like the weeping angels in Doctor Who to jump out at you. You would have kept right on, looking for who knows what.

That was until you heard buzzing.

You heard it by your ear at first and tried swatting it away. But the buzzing amplified and when you turned around, the sight of a growing swarm moving towards you made it very clear that you were not alone in this mansion.

"My my! Look what we have here!"

The voice of a young woman cut through the buzzing, and you watched in morbid awe as three female figures were shaped from the insects.

They giggled maniacally as they surrounded you and the bugs around them flew near you.

One of them shoved you while another caught you in their arms, giggling all the while.

"Hey! Let me go! Get off me!" You struggled in the one girl's grasp while the one that pushed you drew her sickle and stabbed it into your arm.

You cried out in pain and the third woman approached and took a deep inhale near your now wounded arm.

"Mmmm fresh meat~" she sighed in delight.

The three girls giggled and laughed and began dragging you away and flew you across rooms and halls and made it impossible for you to get a firm grip on where you were and how you could get out of their grasp.

You didn't have much time to worry on that because they brought you into one last room before dropping you on the ground and forming into people once more.

You clutched at your arm in pain and tried your best to put some distance between yourself and whoever the three witches brought you to.

"Mother," one of them spoke and gestured to you, "I bring you fresh prey."

"You are so kind to me daughters."

The voice sounded familiar. It was elegant. Suave.

You glanced at the woman in white and felt your jaw slacken in disbelief.

You really shouldn't be surprised anymore.

"Now, let's take a look."

There for you to behold was the tall, pale woman you had seen that day you were brought in front of all the Lords.

She smiled in surprise and satisfaction. "Well, well, now isn't this a surprise? And here I thought you had died at the hands of Donna. It appears you're more difficult to get rid of than I thought." She took a few steps towards you and leaned over your hunched shape.

Even with the searing pain in your arm, and the very real danger you found yourself in again, you wouldn't let her see you as a coward. Psychos always loved a challenge. They let you live longer.

You saw her eyes glance towards your bleeding arm. Apparently, her "daughters" did too because they came over to you and stood you up, bringing your open wound up for their mother to take a closer look.

She tugged your arm closer, and you hissed at the discomfort. As she brought her face closer, she leaned over the area and began to lick and suck at your wound.

The sensation of her guzzling and swallowing the red liquid that helped keep you alive was dreadful. Your veins felt like they were on fire and as much as you wanted to, you were starting to get too weak to fight back. And they had barely done anything yet.

It ended quickly thankfully but not without leaving you like you were half empty.

"Hmmm. Staler than I would have expected but nothing that can't be fixed with a bit of effort." The Lady stood upright again and wiped her mouth with a handkerchief that was offered up by one of her daughters.

"What should we do with her mother?" said the one who offered up the small cloth.

"Let us string her up quickly mother!" the one on the right eagerly shouted.

"I am the one who found her!" the last one said.

"Now, now, daughters. Let us not be too hasty. First, I shall inform Mother Miranda about Donna and Angie's failure to take care of their toys and then, well," she walked closer to you and glared, "there will be plenty for everyone." She smiled cruelly. "Take her away. And make sure she's fed well."

All three daughters nodded and said "yes mother" before once again lifting you up in the air.

"Put me down!" you yelled defiantly.

The Lady tsked in mock pity at your pathetic attempt to sound intimidating. "Ohh do be careful what you wish for my dear." She smiled mockingly and looked over her shoulder as you were taken away by her three daughters.


You were roughly dropped off in a cellar with the only thing your senses could pick up being the fading sound of cackling.

It smelled rancid. Bile crept up your throat at the stench of blood, mold, and dirt. It was overwhelming and you had to force your disgust down lest you added the smell of vomit to the list.

You could barely see and what little light was available, was scattered about and left you squinting to make out any details.

You sighed.

Now what?

How were you supposed to get out now? It hadn't hit you until now, but it felt like everything that could go wrong, went very, very wrong. You wanted to leave. Not just the castle but the whole village, Heisenberg, Mother Miranda, everyone. This wasn't your world, and this wasn't your fight.

You sighed again.

Those girls were told to feed you but since their mother had now had a taste for your blood, they would definitely be trying to fatten you up like some kind of cow. Meaning they could come back soon, and you really didn't want to be around or here if and when that was. 

What you'd give for a sharp stick right about now. Or something made of metal. 

You sighed.

'Well, first thing's first. Get out of here.'

You looked around at what you guessed was the cellar.

'Wherever here is.'

You humored the idea of just leaving Nene here altogether. Wouldn't be the first time one of you did something like that. Just...not on this big of a scale.

For now, though, you'd start walking. Follow the light. Where there was light, there was always an exit after all. 

Two Truths and a Lie Karl Heisenberg x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now