Me and Mr. Wolf

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A/N: Hello children, very quick thing: would yall be open, if it seems fitting and makes sense to add, if there was a lemon in this book? No guarantees but just an idea. Let me know in the comments!

Your heart pounded in your ears.

Slowly you raised your hands, "Easy there, no one's gotta get hurt."

"Save it!" he pressed the gun to your head, "There shouldn't be any civilians here. So just who exactly are you?"

"A civilian who happens to be here."

"Oh, tough girl, ain't ya?" he put the safety back on before hitting hard over the head with the grip of the gun.

You didn't expect it and you stumbled to the floor. You'd definitely be getting a decent bump on your head later.

The man turned to Moreau next and pointed the gun at him, "And you, give me all the information you have on Experiment 192. Right now!"

You glanced at the stranger.

'How does he know about that?'

Moreau sounded like he was panicking, "You can't take it! I told mother that I would protect it!"

Once again the safety went off, "I'll take it by force if I have to."

"Wait, wait, wait! Please, please! If, if you hurt me, then the others will laugh at me...B-but if I do better than them..."

"Not my problem ugly."

This guy was getting on your nerves. But you were also getting a bad feeling in your stomach. You could faintly hear the sound of something growing. Or was that hissing?

Moreau once again called out, "Wait, just a little longer ple-!"

You stood up and started to back away once he started laughing.

"What's so funny?" The stranger asked, voice lingering with suspicion. He noticed you backing up and pointed the gun at you again.

"And you! Don't. Move. I'm not done talking with you."

"You're stupid! You talk too much!" He chuckled before continuing, "It's all over, I plugged the way in."

So that what that sound was. You saw more of those slime mounds beginning to grow around Moreau and you're flight response was starting to kick in quickly.

"This is MY territory! And I won't let you leave!"

You noticed a small opening from where you came in and you rushed past the stranger, trying to get out.

You knew you should've "hi-ho'd" when you had the chance.

You heard a gun shot from behind you just as you got past the opening.

That jerk was probably on your heels but you'd worry about him once you got out.

Quickly you searched for any opening that hadn't been plugged up yet until you finally made it outside with the stranger in toe.

"I told you not to move!"

"What, and die with you?" Now that you got a proper look at the stranger, you saw that he was wearing a yellow helmet with four lenses attached to it, a black jumpsuit and some sort of armor covering his chest.

"I had it handled," he growled out at you.

"Oh yeah, you dealt with that swimmingly. I'd like to see you not have it handled."

You were tired of this asshole.

He moved towards you and grabbed you roughly by the arm. "You're coming with me for questioning."

Two Truths and a Lie Karl Heisenberg x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now