Traveling Companions

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With every step, Scarlet had to keep her horse steady. Anytime Farris took a step she could feel it in the horse's back as she rode along. His hair would stand on end and his bones locked up more than normal. Anytime the giant would step a bit too close or slam his foot down a bit too hard Philip would buck his head back and forth acting like he was going to take off in the opposite direction. A few times she bent down and would whisper in his ear to calm down and stroke his side to calm his nerve. It never calmed him down completely, but it made the horse refrain from taking off with her on its back.

The most recent time this happened she glared up at the giant to show her distaste. She knew he was doing this on purpose.

In fact, the man didn't even know he was doing this action. All he was concentrating on was making it to the destination and getting this over with. He didn't even notice when the hunter gave him the look. He did though notice her pulling on the reins and consoling the horse.


Scarlet sat up while grabbing onto the rein even harder trying to push her emotions down and give him a straight answer. She knew if he figured out all this was getting on her nerves the creature would just continue. "No. No problems."

"It seems to me there is. My question is if you can't handle the horse then why ride her?"

Taking a deep breath, she took a few moments to push down all the insults before answering. "It's a guy thank you and Philip is just fine. He's just a bit antsy is all."

Farris gave her the look. The look of 'come on.' before Scarlet couldn't continue this 'civil' conversation. "Alright. You know what you are doing giant. So knock it off." the words spilled out before she could even catch herself.

Farris stopped with his movement giving her a look of confusion, though a tug of a smirk revealed itself. "And what may I ask am I doing?" Even though he stopped to talk Scarlet continued on, that was until he showed his hand of mischief. She pulled on the reins making Phillip make a half circle and turn.

"You know exactly what you are doing. Now if you would stop with your shenanigans then we can get this over with." Trying to progress on her way she kicked her feet into Philip to continue on her way. If she was further ahead maybe the giant wouldn't startle her horse as much.

"I don't think we are done with this conversation." he reached over towards the girl. She only saw looming darkness above her that got closer and closer finally turning into a grip on her clothing. With one swift movement of his hand, she was dangling above the ground. Watching as her horse got smaller and smaller till her view was filled with a brown-haired face. Reaching behind her she quickly grasped at her crossbow.

With one shake of his hand, her body moved up and down and her weapons, straps, and arrows came tumbling down to the ground. There was only one last resort. In her pocket, she always keeps a small concealed dagger. It was so small she could wrap her whole hand around the blade and conceal it if she ever had to. Reaching down she brought it out, pointing the blade directly at his face. "Put. Me. down."

He sighed releasing a breath of hair pushing her hair out of her face. It smelled of meat and blood. "Put it away."

"Well put me down!" she pushed it closer to his face only mear inches from marking his face.

"Look. I obviously don't want to be here. You don't want me here. We are not going to get anywhere if we keep trying to kill each other. Why don't you put that silly thing away and I keep to myself? That way you don't end up lunch and I don't end up with indigestion?"

She knew what he was getting at, but hated the way he said it. She looked away, off to the side giving a mumble as a reply. "Fine. Just keep your hands to yourself."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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