Chapter 2

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(encounter of the two)

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(encounter of the two)


Please don't fake it,
Show me what you're all about



The small bowl flung across the room and was embarked by the floor due to the immense force applied to it. The numerous pieces of boiled corn now sprawled and the thick liquid from the soup coated the filthy cemented floor along with stings of ramen. The steel utensils clattered as they hit the ground and I watch him swear at me, yet another time.

"You call this food!? After working my ass off, I can't have a proper plate of dinner!?"

He was obviously drunk. His tall legs trembled and were as weak as a twig. I don't remember seeing him sober in my seventeen years as his son. My father was an alcoholic. The little money he earned was gone to pay for his drinks. Never in his life did he treat me like his son, I was nothing but a parasite to him.

I kept eyeing the floor while my head hung low, drowning in the ground. I knew his next words.

"Oii, you filthy brat... Look at me when I am speaking to you."

If I look at him, he'll hurt me. He does nothing but contradict himself. Everything I'll do, he will beat me.

"You disrespectful wretch!! Does it feel good to see your father like this huh!? I never wanted you in the first place! You're just a fucking burden to this world!"

He screamed his lungs out.

"I've worked hard to raise you, provide you a shelter, and give you some food on the plate! Can't you be more grateful and give me something more edible!? Do you want me dead from malnourishment!?"

'Don't say anything. Don't say anything. Don't say anything. Don't say anything.'

I kept mumbling to myself, consuming the anger building in me.

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