Chapter 8

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(save him)

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(save him)


I couldn't stand the person inside me
I turned all the mirrors around


"Wolves asleep amidst the trees...

Bats all swaying in the breeze...

But one soul lies anxious wide awake...

Fearing all manners of ghouls, hags, and wraiths...."

He carolled the lullaby to the little girl, her glowing viridescent eyes curiously examining the features of the man.

"Why do you always sing me this song?" Her innocent voice paused him.

His eyes stopped at hers, a smile spreading on his lips as he told her while brushing her hair with his fingers.

"So that you know what's fear."

He smiled. A very sick smile. Gruesome.

She wasn't scared, she wasn't afraid. In fact, she laughed back.

"I wonder if I'll feel that."

She opened her eyes and stared at the dark sky above her.

"Birds are silent for the night...

Cows turned in as daylight dies..."

The chill and gloomy melodies continued as she sang from the top of the building, PS-19, viewing the wide night sky above. It was dark, it seemed as if darkness loved her and managed to cling to her.

"Such a beautiful night.....

for someone to die."

. . .

I sneaked into our room, which wasn't exactly a room because it was the whole house itself. Hoping that my so-called father isn't anywhere around, I hastily began searching for my things.

Quickly taking my school supplies, books, and the few clothes I owned, I rifled for the box where I kept my earnings.

'Should be around that corner.'

My teeth clasped the small torch, arms searched in the dark trying their best to locate the box. I clearly remembered hiding it at the end of my wardrobe, beneath some clothes.

The cold metal latch of the small box touched my fingers and with a sigh, I pulled the box out. Thankfully it was still there.

'At least I can pay her for my food now.'

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