Chapter 10

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(losing it)

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(losing it)


We're sick like animals
We play pretend


People say high school was the best experience of their life, the best. Where they made tons of memorable friends and painted their part of teenage with blossoms. Where casual detentions had become their daily bacon and the tour to principals' office was a cup of tea.

Are you sure? Are you sure that it isn't just some hierarchical kingdom of teenage kids? Where the strongest, the king of the kingdom, and his minions are the only ones who get to feel that experience?

If you ask me, I think of high school as the king's hunt time. The little animals trying to save themselves from being the target, just the way I wanted to save myself, from them,

from the kings of my high school.

"Look, who's here!" He flicked the little piece of chalk in the empty space, leaning back on the wooden table, "Our pathetic defaulter who never learns!"

The torturer, the teacher.

The school I went to, was too casual to be called a place to study. The teachers themselves being the defaulters only came to grab the salary of the month. Well, what do you expect from a poor school?

Being mocked has become a habit. Yet it hurts, every single time.

I wonder why my heart wasn't as hard as metal, as cold as the ice, and as cruel as their words.

I didn't bother to greet the teacher, I never did. He wasn't someone I could respect.

"So? What excuse do we have this time Mr. Jeon?" He mocked me buying the whole attention of the class.

I wished I skipped school. But regret is always too late and strong.

I felt dreadful and tired of all the events in my life as if God refused to give me a break.

"Ah, so you've run out of excuses. Why did you even bother to come? The class felt a lot better in your absence."

Another word of hate.

"Let's forget the unwanted presence and get back to studies, shall we class?" He snickered turning back to grab another piece of chalk.

The teacher's pet answered with enthusiasm, "Yes sir!"

I started imagining. Picturing what I would do to them if I had the power. If I was brave enough.

The teacher kneeling in front of me, begging for his life while palming his wounds and trying to stop bleeding. I was smiling.


'Isn't this what you want too? Tell me. I can make it true.'

The voice erupted in my head, again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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