Is He OK?

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After Shadow contacted the commander, they brought in Sonic to test if he has any fatal injuries. Sonic has bruises all over his body top to toe, his face seems perfectly fine. Shadow and Rouge also found out Sonic is a herm and has been raped at least 3 times. The commander decided to let Rouge and Shadow take care of Sonic until further notice for the time being, which means no missions for a while.

Sonic's POV

I slowly open my eyes to see a bedroom, I was on a very cozy bed. 'I can't remember the last time myself ever laying on a comfy bed like this.' I thought to myself.

It took me at least 5 minutes to realize that I wasn't in Eggman's tortured cell, I was in someone's bedroom, but who.

I tried to sit up on the bed. I was able to, but every time I move it hurts so much, I was in so much pain.

I heard someone open the door and started to get a huge panic attack instantly. I ran to the corner of the room, holding my head and shivering in fear. 'I wasn't ready to get hurt again.......not now.' I thought.

When the door opened, a black hedgehog appeared. He was black with red stripe, red Ruby eyes, a silk white chest fur, and he looked pretty intense from afar.

I started to tear up because I didn't know what was going to happen next. 'Is..... is...... h-he going to rape me...?'

Shadow's POV

I opened the door to see sonic in the corner of the room. Oh, he is awake, but he looks afraid of me, I mean Sonic was abused and raped, so he is going to be paranoid, traumatized, and scared of me.

"Hey there," I stated.

Sonic started shaking a lot, and he seems to be on the verge of tears in his eyes.

"My name is Shadow The Hedgehog," I said in a peaceful tone. "I'm not going to hurt you, "but he started to panic a bit more.

"I and Rouge saved you from whatever happened to you, and we will be taking care of you for the time being," I said calmly.

Sonic stopped shaking, and his ears twitched when he heard Rouge's name.
He started looking at me kinda strange, it was starting to get a bit odd for me.

Rouge comes in the room and says, "Hey, is Sonic or what-?"

Sonic sees Rouge and instantly crawls past me as fast as possible, grabs her leg, and hid behind them.

"Oh my!" Rouge called out, "So you are awake, but why do you look so scared?" Rouge turns around and looks at me, "What did you do, Shadow?" She said in a serious tone.

"What, I did nothing!" I shouted, "He was like that when I came in!"

Sonic starts to shake rapidly.

"Uh hey shadow maybe you should keep it down, your shouting is scaring him haha," Rouge snickered. "Maybe you should stop looking so, um, intense and angry all the time."

"What do you mean? I'm calm and chill." I replied.

"Seriously dude, when you are calm you looked like you want to break someone's neck," Rouge laughs softly.

"Shut it, whatever!" I growled

Sonic stopped shaking and watched our chat, but he seems a bit tired and confused still.

"So anyway, are we allowed to contact any of his old friends?" I questioned Rouge.

"The commander said not yet, so I guess that's a no." The white bat added.

"I guess we have to care of sonic well I have to do it on my own, so you don't start to look suspicious to knuckles and the others," I mentioned.

"Yeah you're right, myself disappearing so much will look suspicious, but I'll drop by and make sure sonic, and you are OK though," Rouge said willingly.

"Whatever," I sighed.

I noticed sonic staring at me weirdly again.

'Why is he staring at me like that...?'

To Be Continued.

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