Begining of the End

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A/n: Sorry it took me so long to update. I thought taking a collage summer course was a good idea for some reason. Enjoy.

When Akira regained consciousness, she couldn't help but notice how sore she felt. Something cool was wrapped around her wrists and pressed against her calves. When she opened her eyes, all she could see was white. White crystals. White floors. If it wasn't for the chains, Akira might have thought she was dead. If hell is fire, why shouldn't heaven be ice?

Something warm rolls down her cheek and it takes her a few seconds to realize she had started crying again. Her mind drifted once more to Levi. She could imagine him staying eerily stoic on the outside, if only for the sake of the kids. Inside was another story altogether. He would rage like a forest fire, scorching everything in his path until he ran out of fuel.

When she closed her eyes, she could still see him. Akira could imagine herself looking over the sea with a baby blue bundle strapped to her chest. She could hear Levi scolding Hanji for some thing or other she couldn't quite make out as he wrapped a muscular arm around her. "It's beautiful," she would murmur before he would kiss her forehead.

"Not as beautiful as you."

Letting out a muffled huff, she got back to her her goal: chewing through the metal bar in her mouth. It was a similar sensation to hitting each tooth with a hammer, over and over and over again. It tasted absolutely disgusting, but what else could she do? She had to get out. If not for her sake, then for Eren's.

She had been at it since she woke up the first day. Akira wasn't sure how long, in all honesty. She would gnaw until she couldn't bear the pain anymore and pause. Gnaw and pause. Gnaw and pause. In all honesty, the noise was worse than the pain at this point. Everything felt numb and desolate.

She had faith in Levi's abilities, but why should he save her if could simply save herself? If she could just draw blood, she could save him the effort. If she could just...

Akira's head snapped upwards at the sound of footsteps and another heart beat.

Realization settled over the eldest Jaeger, followed by acceptance. This was it. This was the beginning of the end.

Wipe them out~Levi x ocWhere stories live. Discover now