3 ~ Painful Night

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*Hussain's perspective*

We were on our way home after picking up Anber's stuff from her house. She bid her goodbye to everyone and we left.

The ride home was very quiet. Very awkward.

"Hussain beta, Anber regrets what ever happened, please give her a chance." Anber's mom's words echo in my ears. I glance over at Anber, who was staring out the window, with a emotionless expression.

I look ahead and conentrate on the road. At times it felt like she wanted to say something and eliminate this quietness. I thought it would be good if she said something, but at times I didn't want to hear her voice.

Finally, after a few minutes we reach home. I quickly got out. I look over at Anber who seemed to be struggling a little with the heavy dress.

Should I help her, or should I just leave it? I question myself. I shake my head with all those bad thoughts and walk over to her side, she had already opened the door.

I lend my hand out to her. She first looks up at me surprised. But then, slowly she places her hand in my hand. She gets out of the car and I release my hand from her hand. And close the door. We walk towards my house, our house to be exact.

*Anber's perspective*

The ride home was very quiet. I was just staring out the window. I wanted to break this silence, but stopped myself.

"After all this that you have done, would Hussain like to even talk to you?" My insides scream which prevent me from speaking.

We finally reach our house. Hussain quickly steps out. I struggle a little as this wedding dress is so heavy. I open the door and was about to come out, when I see Hussain bringing his hand forward. I first look at him surprised, but then slowly place my hand in his. As soon as I come out of the car, Hussain quickly lets go of my hand. He closes the door and we make our way towards the house.

Hussain rings the doorbell and a few seconds later Shaista Aunty opens the door.

"You guys are here, come." Aunty says and welcomes us in. We walk and sit down in the hall.

"Welcome!" Shehry says and comes and sits down next to Hussain, while Afifa comes and sits down next to me.

Afifa, you ask me? Well, Afifa is Shehry's wife.

"Its time you guys came home." Shehry says mischievously

"Oh come on Shehry, they are newly married couple. Maybe they spent some time alone. Enjoying already you know." Afifa says winking at me. Shehry and Afifa burst out laughing and hi-five each other.

"Be quiet Shehry, it's nothing like that." Hussain says defensively

"Liar." Shehry says confidently. "I know Anber wont lie. Tell me Anber. Had fun?" Shehry asks. I just force out a smile, trying not to look at Shehry.

*Shehry's Perspective*

"Be quiet Shehry. It's nothing like that." Hussain says a little annoying

"Liar!" I say confidently. I shift my sight to Anber. "I know Anber wont lie. Tell me Anber. Had fun?" I say jokingly. Anber just forces out a smile, without looking at me.

The pain is still visible in your eyes Anber, the regret, the embarrassment. I think to myself, feeling a little hint of guilt in me.

"Shehry, stop bothering them." Mom says as she comes and stands behind us. "Hussain. Anber. Go to your room. You guys must be tired." Mom suggests. Hussain nods and gets up, followed by Anber. Hussain, Anber and mom go to their respective rooms.

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