17 ~ Ashes and Flames

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*Hussain's perspective*

The bright sunlight penetrated through the window, hitting my eyes that felt heavy.

I could not sleep the whole night; feeling restless, uncomfortable...incomplete !

I miss you Anber...

I was stiff as a statue with just tears that had movements, that streamed down my cheeks.

I was still hugging on to her pillow as her fragrance still engulfed me.

I shut my eyes tight and release a heavy breath, feeling suffocated with all those painful emotions that expressed themselves within me.

Knock knock!

A knock on the door pulled me out of my obliviousness.

Having no energy in me, I ignore the knock and stayed put on my bed like I didnt hear the knock.

Knock knock!

"Hussain?" A soft whisper, yet audible voice made its way to my ears. I figured out it was Shehry. "Hussain darwaaza khol." He requests kindly.

I shut my eyes and didn't feel like moving at all. I had no strength, no energy, to move.

"Hussain?" A more louder and worried voice came from outside. I reluctantly get up and drag myself to the door and open it.

*Shehry's perspective*

Afifa woke me up after preparing breakfast.

I got up and took a quick shower. After wearing a blue shirt paired with black jeans, I head downstairs.

Upon reaching downstairs, I found Anber's family in the hall. Everyone was quiet with nothing but an expressionless, pale face. Aunty silently wept on Uncle's shoulder. Seeing the sight and situation, tears instantly formed in my eyes.

I hurriedly look away and wipe my tears away.

Agar mein hi kamzoor padh gaya to Hussain ko kaun sambhale ga? I have to stay strong for him...

"Asalamualaikum." I force out a smile as I make my way towards Anber's family.

I recieved no response from anyone. I sigh and sit down next to mom who was looking down.

The dead, quiet atmosphere suffocated me. I've never seen my family, nor Anber's family like this. My heart ached upon the scene.

Tears impermissibly welled up in my eyes.

"Mom? Hussain nahi aaya neeche?" I clear my throat and intentionally ask a stupid question to kill this silence. After receiving no response, I look down and internally sigh.

I get up and make my way to Hussain's room.

As I make my way towards his room, I started to get scared.

I was scared to look at him, to see him in a bad state... Ro ro kar kya haal kar liya hoga ki Hussain ne...

I stop in front of his door and knock on it. I recieved no response which made me more worried. I knock on his door again. "Hussain? Hussain darwaaza khol."

I recieved no response again. My insides started to eat me up. "Hussain?" My voice raises more, worriedly. I bite my lower lip, tensed.

Soon enough, I hear footsteps march towards the door. I sigh a breath of relief; but my relief turns into a more worried and shocked feeling in less than a second after Hussain opens the door.

His blood shot, puffed eyes that still had tears rolling down his wet cheek; his wet neck and top half of his shirt; a thin line, from his eyes to his neck, indicating the trails of his tears; his shirt half tucked in and half hanging freely... Everything came in sight and my eyes widened in shock.

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