~ Note ~

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Not an update! Please dont plan on murdering me...

Aisa kar diya to update kaun karega? Haha lol ....

So I have something to tell you guys and make it clear....

Some of you guys must have thought ke Hussain and Shehry must be YouTubers in this fanfiction...

But you guys are wrong, its my fault for the confusion... I should have made it clear earlier...

So Shehry and Hussain are not YouTubers in my fanfiction...

They play the role of normal people...

Sorry if you guys thought they were YouTubers since the beginning.

Some of you guys thought ke Shehry was involved in the incident because of fame..

Aisa kuch nahi hai... Shehry and Sain play the role of normal people like all of us..

Please forgive me for that confusion. *holds ear and makes a puppy face*

So remember that this incident did not take place because they are famous or because of fame or anything...

Hope its all clear! *_*


Another thing I want to say is...

You all are awesome, amazing, lovely and beautiful readers... Im serious while saying this -_- .. Lol!

So I thought ke kyun na aap Sab fantabulous readers ko ek special naam doon?!?!

So since I love penguins alot because they are so cute and adorable...

I have decided ke all my readers will be named Penguins!!!

Yay! Happy? Excited? Yes? No? Maybe so? *Okay control now Husna!" -_- ... Lmao!!

So all you stupendous readers are my penguins! :* :* :*

Love you all!! !!


Last thing I want to say is...

I will be updating tonight!!! Yay! Whose excited?

I thought about not to update til 2-3 days as my school is starting from Monday so thought not to update for a few days...

But all your lovely comments motivated me to write and update!! So I will be updating tonight! ^_^

So see you all my Penguins tonight!

Love you all for the love and support you guys have shown so far!!!

You guys are very special to me! <3

*Send everyone a virtual hug and kiss!*

Okay kuch zyada cheesy nai ho gaya ye note... I must stop! Lol

Love you all!!!

Shabba kahir! Be happy and keep on smiling!

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