14 ~ Unexpected Meeting

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Asalamualaikum lovely readers! <3

So here is the update...

Just want to say ke the last few chapters have been short, I know, I'm sorry. I promise the next chapters will get get longer... Bear with me... School is just so much time consuming... So yea...

And my silent readers... Please khuda ke vaste, comments de do na. Lol!

Now back to the update...

Have fun reading! :)


*Hussain's perspective*
(continuation from previous chapter)

Anber smiles and leans forward and hugs me, wrapping her arms around my chest. I wrap my hands around her too. I kiss the top of her head and rest my chin on her head. I close my eyes feeling the warmth of her in my arms, feeling the moment spent with the love of my life, my wife!

"Chalein?" I question, as we pull back. We intertwine our fingers start walking back home through the crowded park. It was very crowded. My grip around her hand tightens. As much as we tried to walk safely, it all went in vain. Anber bumps into someone as that person was walking backwards.

Pagal log. Seedha dekh ke bhi nahi chal sakte

The person turns around, her eyes widen in disbelief as she sees Anber and I. Anber and I look at each other in disbelief too and let out a small surprised chuckle.

"Roxy? You?" Anber and I say surprised in unison. We look at each other and chuckle slightly along with Roxy.

"Anber and Hussain? Wow what a pleasant surprise! How are you?" She seemed happy to see us

"We are fine, how are you?"

"I'm fine."

Anber leans forward and hugs Roxy. I saw Roxy close her eyes and sigh. "I've missed you so much Anber." Roxy speaks over Anber's shoulder while caressing Anber's back

"Missed you too Roxy." Anber pulls back

"Hello? Did someone forget me?" I wave my hand in front of their faces. They chuckle and shake their head

Roxy starts to speak but makes a confused face, stuttering on a word. "No Mr.. Mr.kareilyah, we haven't." She speaks stuttering. Anber and I laugh.

"It's Karela!" Anber corrects her. She rolls her eyes. "Whatever that is, overall he still seems to be mean and heartless." I gasp at what she said.

"I still look mean to you?" I question raising my eyebrows. She nods proudly. I chuckle and look down. Anber and Roxy hi-five each other, giggling.

"By the way, you two... Together.. Here?" Roxy questions skeptically. I smile and hold Anber's hand. Anber looks up at me and smiles.

"We are married." Was all I said. Her eyes widen in surprise

"Really? Wow! Congratulations!" Roxy wishes us.

"Thank you." Anber replies to her sweet wish

"By the way, after what happened... I hope that doesn't hold both of you back." Roxy seemed worried for us. She forces out a smile.

"No Roxy, our past doesn't hold us back anymore." I say a little upset, remembering the painful events

It seems that people still didn't seem to forget that incident.

"By the way, how the rest of our squad? You still in touch with them?" Anber question.

"Oh shit! How can I forget... Yes, we lost each other's touch after college, but now we finally got in touch after a long time. In fact, most of them are here with me right now." She chirps excitedly

"Really?" I question in disbelief. Anber also seemed to not agree on this

"Yea. Come on, want to meet them?" She questions. Anber and I nod our head, eager to meet our good old friends. She leads us a out of the crowded park to a place near the tree

"Guys!" Roxy calls them out as their backs faced us. All of them turn around furrowing but their expressions immediately change to a shocked one as their eyes lay on Anber and I. All of the stand up.

"Hussain and Anber?" They all question surprised in unison. Anber and I nod our heads and they all head our way. The group broke into two mini groups, half rushing towards me and half rushing towards Anber.

Damn it felt so good to see my friends after seven months. Missed them all.

We all sat down and chit-chatted a little about a few things we missed about each other's life, refreshed a few good old memories and it all felt so good to get back together, damn I missed the old days.

*Anber's perspective*

It felt so good to be back with my group of friends. They all seemed to be very happy for Hussain and I. But this one new kid was bothering me. He was very shy and quiet. I became a little suspicious about that, the way he looked at us, no observed us, felt very eerie. Hussain and I decide to leave after having a nice long chat with our friends

"Oh shit! I forgot to tell you something." Roxy stops us before we can leave. "Actually the plan is that tomorrow there is a party at Isaiah's house. So now that we finally got in touch with you, we won't leave you easily. So you both have to come tomorrow." She orders rather than telling us. Hussain chuckles a little. "Okay! We will come. Text me the address." Hussain agrees. We all say our 'byes' and leave.

"Hussain." I speak as we kept on walking. "Hmmm." He replies

"Did you notice the new shy kid?" I question. I don't know why, but his presence bothered me a little.

"Yea I did.... Why?" He furrows at my question. "I don't know Hussain, his presence bothered me a little. It seemed very eerie. There seemed to be something suspicious about him." I say having a little bad, wierd feeling about this kid.

"He is new, maybe was a little shy. Don't worry." Hussain assures me and I nod and look down. We come to a stop realizing we reached our house. Hussain steps forward and opens the door. We walk in and find Shehry and Afifa watching tv. Their heads turn in our direction

"Aa gaye tum log?" Shehry questions. "Yup!" Hussain say. Hussain and I walk in and stand closer to them.

"How was it?" Shehry questions pretty excited. "How was what?" Hussain questions furrowing.

"You time spent with Anber." Afifa speaks hurriedly, before Shehry can. Hussain laughs a little. "It was good. And by the way, we met almost all of our friends from college." Hussain says excitedly. Shehry's eyes widen in disbelief

"Really? How are they?" He questions, eager to know about his friends.

"They are good! They were asking for you too." Hussain speaks. "By the way, you can meet them tomorrow though." He adds in. Shehry furrows immediately upon his last sentence. "Tomorrow?" Shehry asks

"Yea, actually there is a party at Isaiah's house, so we are invited. Tab mil lena sab se." Hussain clarifies Shehry's confusion. "Oh okay. Cant wait to meet them all." He seemed very eager.

In fact, we all are eager for tomorrow's party...


Author's note

Asalualaikum loves :*

So here is the update.. I know last few chapters have been short.. Sorry.

So how was the update?

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Party tomorrow at Isaiah's house ;) ...!!!

Hope you all enjoyed the update!

Shabba Khair! Be happy and keep on smiling! :)

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