Beau Bennett ^•^

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Beau Bennett
I sat under a tree in the park. I have no place to go. I had run away from home. and of course it was raining. I only had a normal sized backpack with a few outfits, around $200, sole prized possessions and my everyday woman things. I just started crying. loud sobs filled the park. i was alone. I slowly fell asleep under the tree.

I was walking through the park for my daily exercise. then I saw a thin girl under a tree and she was crying. I ran around the park again, 'if she's still there, I'll take her home with me,' I told myself.
I ran around again and she was still there. but now she was asleep. I slowly picked her up and put her in the passenger seat of my car.
when we got to my house, I had Bortz open the door for me.
"who the hell is this?!" he asked.
"she has no place to go. so she's staying here." I said and carried her to my bed and laid her down and covered her up. I then slept on my floor.

I woke up in a bed. I jumped up! and screamed. some guy jumped up from the floor. there was a hockey stick right beside the bed. I grabbed it for self defense if I needed it.
"WHERE AM I!!" I screamed.
"calm down. and let me explain." he said.
"you were asleep in the park and it was raining and since you were crying I figured that you ran away. so I brought you here for a place to stay and food and water. and I'm Beau Bennett." he said.
"Beau Bennett? hockey player?" I asked and he nodded. I look at the name on the hockey stick 'BENNETT 19'
"and Robert Bortuzzo is in the kitchen if you don't believe me." he said.
"no. no. I believe you. I'm sorry." I said and took off my jacket to reveal my Beau bennett shirt.
"don't be sorry. I would be freaked out too." he laughed and I smiled.
"I'm y/n and yes I did run away." I said quietly.
"well you can stay here as long as you like."
"well you saved my life Beau. I think I'll stay for awhile." I said.
"stay forever. I'd love to get to know you better." he smiled.
now 6 months later, Beau Bennett and I have been dating for 5 months and happy together and 6 months ago he saved my life.
how was it?

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