Jayson Megna ((requested))

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Jayson Megna (requested and sorry because this is going to be horrible)
I skated around the local pittsburgh ice rink near downtown. I was sprinting as fast as I could to work on my stopping. I really wanted to be in the NHL. but I couldn't because im a female.
I let my thoughts take over me and I didn't notice the person stationary in front of me and I ran right into him. we both fell hard on the ice.
"oh my god!! I'm so sorry!! I wasn't paying attention and I jus-" I was cut off.
"haha. it's okay. I should have known better. but you're a pretty good skater. I mean like I havent been watching you i jus-" I cut him off by laughing.
"it's okay. haha thanks. hey! wait! I know you from somewhere. hang on I'll remember in a second. I'm Y/N." I said extending my hand out to shake his.
"hi y/n. I'm-" I cut him off again.
"Jayson Megna!" I said excitedly.
"haha. yeah. so you watching hockey and skate or do you play too?" he asked leading me to sit down on a bench with him.
"I play hockey yeah but I really wanna play in the NHL." I said.
"where do you play?" he asked.
"I play at (whatever high school or college you as go to or plan to go to)." I sheepishly said
"I could see if you have a game were i have an off day or miss a practice to see you play. then I could talk to some people and see what I can do." he said smiling.
"really? you'd do that?" I excitedly asked.
"well maybe if I take you to dinner tonight and get to know you better." he said.
"well sounds tempting. I'll have to go in on that offer." I said and smiled at him.
after that he took me to a fancy restaurant for a nice date. and I guess we'll find out if I play in the NHL or not.

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