Olli Määttä

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You sat down behind the bench at your first pens game. Olli caught your eye. He smiled at you so you smiled back. He whispered something to Dan, but you couldn't hear him. Dan looked at you a couple times as if to make sure you were still there.
You watched the whole game without moving. Olli and i would exchange smiles every like 5 minuets. I would laugh when he just stared at me.
At the end of the game, Dan whispered something to Olli. Then Olli grabbed a mic and started talking,"i dont know your name. But we've been smiling throughout the game. I would like my coach, Dan, bring you on the ice." He said. Dan came to you and held your hand so you wouldn't fall on the ice.
"You are very beautiful, and i would love to get to know you better. So please tell me, what is your name?" he asked. I was blushing.
"Im Y/N. and i would love to go out with you Olli Määttä." You said. You guys shared a short kiss then skated/walked off the ice.
"Y/N i think im in love with you." Olli said.
"And I think im in love with you." you replied.

When you got into the locker rooms, you got to meet everyone and you had some champagne and celebrated their win.

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