Part 1

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Another morning, another boring day, Tommy thought irritably. He was the youngest in his family of four, Phil being the oldest, was basically their dad. Wilbur and Techno were twins, Techno being older, "by only a few minutes", Wilbur had always added. They always went on big trips to the village and Tommy was never allowed, always being locked in his room when they left. He was already eight, he could handle himself.


Techno and Wilbur were being mean again at breakfast, teasing me and telling me how the village was SO GREAT and how I was too young to ever come. Phil ignored them, even when I tried to tell him, he ignored me, just telling me to go up to my room. He wanted to lock me away while they were gone, he said they'd only be an hour, but that was never true. It was more like five hours.

I had a window though. I always liked to look out through it and watch it to pass time, sometimes I'd see birds in trees or deer sometimes.

But tonight was different, someone came to my window. I'd never seen anyone else before besides Techno, Wil and Phil. They looked frightening, with a white smiling mask that covered their whole face and wearing all black only exposing their fingertips, to give a sort of fingerless glove effect. I hid under my bed as they began prying the glass pane from the window. I was shaking, I was going to die, he was gonna hurt me.

Suddenly, soft feet hit the floor of my room, "it's alright kid, I'm not gonna hurt you, come on out."

"No!" I barely got out trying to mask my fear.

"Well kid, I have an offer for you, I've been watching you for a few days now and I've noticed they leave you alone a lot in here. I don't think they should be doing that to you. I wanted to see if you wanted to become my apprentice, we'd go on lots of adventures and you'd never have to stay here ever again. So what do you think?"

I thought for a while, "Can I have time to think about it?"

He stood for a moment then, nodded, "next time they leave I'll come and get your answer."

He left, replacing the window to where it had been.

Phil, Wilbur, and Techno came home late that night, I'd fallen asleep though, a small smile on my face. It was reminiscent of the one on the man's mask, and honestly the more I had thought about the apprenticeship the more appealing it was. I was going to agree to be his apprentice.

Delusion: a Tommy Centric AUUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum