Part 6

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Dude I'm on a freaking rolllllllll

Delusion POV (present)

I drew my sword as Dusk drew his, he had not aged well, that much was apparent. I felt my power gather in me, and in one disarming move, the throne was mine. Before I delivered the killing blow, I allowed him to speak.

"Any last words," I said, my eyes narrowing.

"Long live Death-," he began but was cut off as my sword slit his throat. He fell to the ground, and I looked up. Dream was gawking at me, as were the servants.

"Is someone gonna clean this up?" I said wryly looking around, then I caught myself in a mirror, my hair had turned to the raven black of my past-life's body.

I was a mirror image, except older, I looked about fifteen, quite the age jump I supposed but then it was the age of my soul. Suddenly I felt something collide with me.

"Gah-," I said, almost falling over. Dream was hugging me so tightly I was having trouble breathing. "Been a while, huh?" I asked.

"Why didn't you come back that night?" He asked, muffled in my clothes, which had changed to a dark cloak, boots, pants and a plain white tunic. A preferable change from the red cloak with the t-shirt and pants I had been wearing before.

"Dream, I died, I was reincarnated as Tommy only twelve years ago, you have to understand-."

"I'm glad you're back," he cut me off, "can I tell George and Sapnap?"

"Only if they can keep a secret," I teased, though I regretted it when he ruffled my hair.

"I'm taller and older than you now! So I can do it too," he smiled while I huffed, irritated, but all in good fun. He let go and ran off, supposedly to tell George and Sapnap, he hadn't changed so much I thought laughing slightly. I needed to undo the damage Dusk had done to the palace, at first glance it wasn't so bad, but upon further inspection the palace was in disarray. This was going to take a while.

-timeskip 2 months-

Techno POV

I had captured two of the original Shadow's Marauders who had originally taken Tommy but the third was more elusive however. He wore a mask, and always seemed to be leaving to god knows where, I couldn't ever follow him, I'd always lose him somewhere. Hopefully though, with his friends as bait, I could capture him and find out where they'd kept my little brother all these years.

My trap had to be perfect, I'd only get one shot at it that was certain. The plan was to lure him into the mushroom house where the other two lived and close off all exits and tie up and detain the masked one. The other two, I'd already tied up and left inside the house this morning. I was watching from a tree, far above the house waiting for his appearance. All my senses honed in waiting for the slightest movement, or sound that he'd have appeared.

I waited until sunset before I entered the house to check on my prisoners. As soon as I entered the house, I sighed in frustration, they were gone. There was however a note on the table, addressed to me.


You need not capture my friends and set such a trap to speak with me, meet me by the largest redwood tomorrow at dawn, we can talk then. I'd assume you're looking for Tommy, but who am I to presume your motives. I'll see you then!



Ps I've heard you've made quite a name for yourself, Blood God.

I crumpled the paper in my hand, I'd been outsmarted by a servant of the Shadow King. I'd heard that the previous Shadow King had been slain in a duel, so I wonder where this Dream guy's loyalties lay. Probably not with the new king.

Delusion POV

"Technoblade wishes to meet with you as Tommy, Lord," Dream conveyed, "he tried to capture me, George and Sapnap, but I saved them without his notice."a

"Good work, where will the meeting take place?" I asked, proud that he had made it out with them.

"Under the great Redwood in the forest, above your tomb," he replied.

"That'll work, let's get going."

"Of course, we'll leave at once."

I sighed standing from my throne, I entered the armory and looked around, while the castle had improved significantly from what it had been before, the scars of Dusk's reign still remained. Only one of my masks still remained intact from my collection Not my favorite but it would have to do, I donned my old armor and grabbed my sword, placing my mask on my face and stepping out. I was ready, I tied back my jet black hair in a short ponytail, it had grown a lot in the past months, and I had found that this was really the only way to tame it. I grabbed a thin-wire-like crown from my shelf and placed it on my head. It had little bits of Onyx scattered throughout it, it was less noticeable than most of the other crowns, and I thought it would do well for the meeting today. Dream had insisted that I always wear some sort of crown, but I could care less, I just didn't want to be scolded. Just then I stepped out and greeted Dream, "Let's go old friend."

We had reached the tree's base just before dawn, and were met with a pink haired warrior. I dismounted my skeleton horse as did Dream and we approached calmly.

Dream spoke first, "What it is you wish, you may ask of our great Shadow King Delusion. He may grant you an audience with Tommy depending on what you wish to speak of with him."

Delusion: a Tommy Centric AUWhere stories live. Discover now