Part 9

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Ahahahhahahahahha get ready folks

Wilbur POV

"What is happening here Phil? Where's Tommy?!" I yelled before I could stop myself.

"Like you even cared about me Wil," the strange kid laughed.

"What do you mean? And who the fuck are you anyway?"

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Delusion, King of Shadows, ruler of the realms, and your little brother Tommy."

"You look nothing like my brother!"

"Ah, I can explain, Tommy was only my reincarnated self, I only recently unlocked my past memories just recently."

"I still don't believe you."

"I should've expected this, nevertheless, I can prove it."


"Ask me a question, any."

"Tell me something only Tommy would know."

"You locked me in my closet for hours the night my Marauders came to take me away."

I suddenly felt Phil's eyes burning into me, "You did WHAT?!"

"It was only a joke! Right Tommy?" I glared at him, daring him to say anything different.

"Yeah, a great joke, had great fun crying and bleeding out," he said, inspecting his eerily scared fingertips.

"Wil, you have some explaining to do," Phil said crossing his arms, "you told me Tommy had gone to bed, besides you lying about your friends and being sick."

I stared intensely at the ground, my insides twisting and churning. I saw the kid smirking out of the corner of my eye, and I felt rage burn through my skin.

"Fine, you know what, I know when I'm not wanted," I growled, stalking out of the room. I went to the door and donned my shoes and coat, on my way to Schlatt's.

Dream POV

Where was Delusion? He and Techno must've been talking for hours by now! I huffed, it wouldn't hurt to check on him right?

I let down from my hiding place in a tree, and crept towards the large redwood until it was fully in view.

Where were they? I stood up and walked directly into the clearing, looking for any signs of Delusion or Techno. What I found instead made my heart sink. There were various signs of an obvious struggle, Delusion had fought, but he had been restraining himself, why? I sucked air in through my teeth as I picked up what seemed to be a chemical soaked cloth, and my heart sunk. Gods above why had I left him alone, I should've kept watch at least. Techno must've been quite efficient, but it seemed more so that Delusion had let Techno take him. The gouges in the ground from something being dragged looked almost restrained and stiff, not entirely limp.

I should rename Delusion to the smartest dumbass I know. He was going to get himself killed, and I was going to have to save him. This was just like the old days, though I'd never gone on missions with Delusion then, his drive for revenge on Death herself was endless.

Delusion POV

From the moment my father had been taken away from me by Death, I began plotting my revenge. She's taken my father, so I'd take something back from her. I started small, just stealing the souls of others and feeding them to shadows to increase my power. However I was dissatisfied by this, I knew I couldn't ever get my father back, his life had long departed from this realm of existence. So, how would I take my revenge? Simple, I was going to take Death's throne.

And to do that I needed someone on the inside, Phil. In truth, I hadn't exactly planned on him killing me, but I had taken too many souls to simply have died. To save my life, I combined all the lost souls in my possession and the coalesced into a form that I could take, I could not restore myself to previous' form's age as I did not have enough power, but this would do though infantile. I had to lock away most of my memories so that I wouldn't overwhelm the little body, but it had worked. I survived, and I had another chance, another chance to kill Death.

On sheer dumb luck, Phil found my new form, and took me in.  He brought me back and raised me with his other 'foundlings', I could always tell the brown haired one resented me for no apparent reason that I could see. The pink haired one had always been indifferent to me, but I think I somehow still meant something to them.

I returned to myself, as my front answered questions that Phil asked. All had been going according to plan so far, but I still needed to get access to Death, so I could take my revenge.


Delusion: a Tommy Centric AUWhere stories live. Discover now