Part 4

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Tommy and Dream had come on this trip alone, they'd left Sapnap and George behind to watch the house and maintain their post. They'd taken a week's worth of provisions with them and mounted two horses and rode into the night. It would be a long journey, but it would be a journey well worth it.


Tommy POV

Finally, we'd made it, a portal to the Shadow realm opened ominously before us. It was like a pitch black void that looked almost velvety, it seemed somehow oddly familiar, but I couldn't exactly place it in my memories. It felt as though a wall was keeping me from figuring out what exactly drew me to it. I hopped down from my horse as Dream did likewise, then we stepped through. It was hard to describe exactly what it felt like, but it was like passing through lukewarm water that pressed in as the darkness enclosed around you slowly dragging you forward.

My eyes had been closed as I held my breath, walking through until we reached the other side. Opening my eyes I stared straight into the icey eyes of some ethereal misty-bound being, Dream wasn't beside me anymore.

"Are you the Shadow King?" I asked almost meekly.

The being guffawed, "Yes, I am, or I was."

"Then who are you?" Distrust betrayed my voice.

"I am you, the same as you are me, we both have lived very different lives but yet we are still the same."

"Then why do you look like that?"

"This is our true form, but I can show you how we looked in our last life, yes," the mist then coalesced into the shape of a young teenager, maybe fourteen, fifteen.

"Did we die?"

"Regrettably, yes, we were murdered."

"Who killed us?"

"I'll tell you later, but for now I must prepare you before you meet our past. I'll help you unlock our old memories, but you have to let me access our newer ones, can you do that?"

"I'm not sure how."

"Just try not to resist," he took my hand and closed his eyes.

Techno POV

It'd been four years, four years since Tommy had been taken, since Wil had almost been lost to that dreaded curse. Four years to plot my revenge on the Shadows Marauders, to get Tommy back. Honestly he could be dead by now, that was true, but I wouldn't give up hope I couldn't ever. I remember when Phil and I came home, Wil had been outside, yelling for Phil, clutching his arm.

Phil had acted fast, he'd brewed several potions and cast several spells until the curse was gone. However the effort had drained him considerably and he had been bedridden for the next week.

When I'd gone inside with Wil, I was met with the grizzly sight of his two friends, both dead. I immediately went upstairs to check on Tommy, to find that his window had been shattered and there was blood on the floor next to the closet. The room was in complete disarray. A broken chair was on the floor and the bed sheets had been torn off the bed and laid in a pile on the floor. 

They'd taken him, they'd taken him from us. Wil had said that they'd taken something of equal measure of something stolen. He said they'd called him the son of Death's Angel. A strange title but definitely not the worst thing they'd been called. Phil had seemed shaken when he heard that bit, though he didn't tell me if he knew what it meant. In that moment I knew he was keeping something from me, something that I knew I would never be able to pry from him. 

From that day forward I distanced myself from him and Wilbur, I began to farm potatoes, and after many contests in the arena of Warriors and Wayfarers I'd earned myself the title of the Blood God. I'd never lost a single one, for Tommy, one day one day soon I'd find him again, and those Marauders would wish they'd never crossed the Blood God.

Delusion/Tommy POV

"I understand now, we are, or were once called Delusion, the mighty Shadow King of the realms," I say, holding onto my newfound memories.

"And I also understand that we were once called Tommy, the son of Death's Angel, and the reincarnation of the Shadow King of the realms," the shadow king replied. He reached his hand forward, and I took it.

"Together we are Delusion once again," We stepped forward, and were absorbed by each other, becoming one. As shadows enveloped me, I began to fall, I had changed, I remembered who I once was, as I remembered who I had become. I had once been the shadow king as I had once been Tommy, but who was I now, I had no name, names were but labels to experiences for me.

Suddenly I was thrust back into consciousness, someone was shaking my shoulders. I slowly opened my eyes, a man with a smiley mask looked back at me with concern, who was this? I was having a hard time remembering.

"Tommy, thank the mists you're okay, you sure gave me a scare, you alright you're looking at me funny," the masked man said with concern.

Tommy, who's Tommy, then it came back, I was Tommy, and that was Dream?

"Dream is that you?" I said sitting up, rubbing my head.

"Geez Toms, give me a warning next time? You totally passed out when you came through this side of the portal, honestly I didn't even know that could happen!"

I stood up slowly, staggering slightly, we were in a forest, like the one we'd been in before but where our horses had been was a sprawling gateway, an entrance to the grand castle before us. Everywhere I looked dark mist clung ominously, I shivered internally, you couldn't even see the sky here. It was unsettling to say the least. I tried to remember the dream I had had about the boy. We even the same face, almost like a mirror image, but his hair was black, and tied back in a ponytail, while mine was short and blonde. We had talked, but what about? How had I forgotten?!! He was the past shadow king, and I, his reincarnation, we were one in the same.

Dream began walking up to the palace, and I followed, hesitantly at first, but something began pulling me towards it, drawing me in as we got closer. We entered a throne room to see a stout man standing adjacent to the great chair in the center back of the room. Dream knelt down and motioned to me to do the same, but I felt something tell me not to kneel before this throne. A small figure then entered the room, he was old and decrepit, hardly worth a fight by the looks of it.

"Bow before your king, boy!" The servant next to the throne shrieked out.

"He is no king of mine, I, Delusion, have come to reclaim my throne, stolen from me so long ago with my life by Death's own Angel," I said with more power in my voice. These words were not Tommy's, they were mine and mine alone.

"TOMMY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Dream hissed at me.

"You have no right to this throne any longer, your kingship ended with your life thousands of years ago," the old man spoke.

"Then I challenge you to a duel for the throne, Dusk, King of Shadows," I said, the cold of my ancient power creeping back into my limbs, preparing for the fight.

Ooooo you're not gonna be ready for the next chapter >:)

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