Part 10

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Tw: Death

Delusion POV

I hid in a tree, I would need a new plan, I'd have to attack Death, and I'd have to find her alone. I'd have to do everything by myself, everything. But how could I find Death? I'd needed something that was dying, or something I could kill to draw her out. Suddenly a bird landed next to me, a crow, my hand shot out. I gripped the crow by its neck, holding it out and staring into its beady little eyes as it struggled. I let my mist spill out of my mouth curling around it. Then I'd killed it, in an instant, it had switched to the realm of the dead. I locked onto that switch feeling, and replicated it perfectly. I left behind my mortal body, but I had taken my soul, my life source and my power with me. My vision left my body and I saw it fall out of the tree with the crow. I chuckled, it had worked perfectly, though I'd probably need a new body after this.

Philza POV

I stood upright as I felt a feather fall from one of my wings, a sign one of the flock had died. These crows couldn't be easily killed except without an intentional killer, I wrung my hands together, grabbing my cloak, shoes and hat. Then I stepped outside a dark frown masking my rage, I opened my wings and took flight, going to the spot where it's soul had departed from. I flew below a tree, landing and almost stumbling, a dark burnt feather was all that remained of my friend.

Death POV

I could feel him coming, his lust for revenge warped and left wakes in the realm of the dead, it was no place for a living soul. His rage wasn't unknown to me, I'd felt it long before he entered my domain.

I could sense his living scent, as these things were called, entering the palace. I closed my eyes and prepared myself.

The teen burst in, smoky mists coming off him, his piercing icy blue eyes staring almost through me. He walked forward, extending two blades, and dragging them across the floor.

"I am Delusion, Shadow King, and ruler of realms, I am here to take back what was stolen from me," he said, malice edging his tone.

"I know why you are here, and I know who you are," I said simply, then continued, "I'm aware that you seek revenge for your father's soul, but I must warn you now that you'll only hurt yourself more in the end."

"I'm willing to risk that."

"So be it," I reached forward with my hands, touching his temples.

Delusion POV

I shoved my blade in her stomach as her hands connected with my temples. She only smiled at me kissing my forehead, blood staining her lips. She seemed so familiar yet so vaguely unfamiliar.

"Goodbye my Lulu," She whispered, and fell back disintegrating before me. Her face, where had I seen her before? I didn't have much time to think, as whatever she'd done to me had sent me into a state of unconsciousness.

Heyyyyy who's you're favorite inconsistent author ;)! I might be taking a break for a while here pretty soon but I'll try to finish this story before I do, next chapter will probably be the last depending on how many words 'n stuff it takes to write it all. Anyways just wanted to let y'all know. Also if you have any ideas for any AU's you'd like to see me write about, comment them down below.

Hey hey hey-also don't forget to vote, it's free and you can unvote (is that even a word?) later if you change your mind!

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