Part 7

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Delusion POV

"What is it that you wish of Tommy, Technoblade," I ask coldly.

"I seek audience with him, Great Shadow King," Techno replied with equal ice in his voice.

"Then so shall it be," I removed my mask and hood, staring directly at him, "Dream, please leave us for a moment while I speak with my brother."

"As you wish Delusion," Dream replied though he seemed reluctant to leave my side.

"Tommy?" Techno asked waveringly.

I chuckled, "Can't you recognize your own brother, I know I changed but I'm not sure it warranted that reaction."

"Is it really you?" He dismounted his horse and walked towards me slowly, calculating.

"Yes, a thousand mists, yes it's me Techno."

"Tell me something only he would know."

"Uh...Phil used to lock me in my room when you left for the village?"

"That's too easy, what's Wilbur's favorite instrument?"

"His Guitar."

"What did you call that dumb cow plush of yours?"


He leapt forward and pulled me into a hug, I melted into his touch. In truth I had missed him. I'd missed them all, but I'd had a destiny that I'd had to follow, a person who I needed to become again. I tried to pull out of the hug but Techno wouldn't let me go.

"Hey Techno, it's okay to let go now bud," I say trying to pry myself out of his arms.

He covered my mouth with a cloth, rancid with chemicals, I coughed into it, trying to hold my breath as he pressed the disgusting thing harder into my face. I let myself go limp, closing my eyes and still holding my breath. I felt him take the cloth away, and I took in a shallow breath not daring to open my eyes as I felt him tie ropes around my wrists and ankles. He then lashed me to his horse using the excess ropes and began riding away. Dream wouldn't be happy that was for sure.

Techno POV

Tommy's face seemed like what I imagined it might look at that age, I reasoned with myself.

I continued riding until I'd reached my camp that I'd made the night before. I dismounted from Carl, my trusty steed holding steady while I untied my prisoner from his back. He was light, nothing like I'd expect for the king of the shadows, he looked almost sickly as his skin was so pale, like he hadn't seen the sun in months. I re-tied his restraints and placed an empty potato sack over his head.

I pulled out a communicator that Phil had given me when I'd moved out, 'so I could stay in touch with him.' I wrinkled my upper lip as I looked at the smooth stone object. It was simple enough to operate. I placed my thumb in the indent in the center of the stone and wrote my message in the air.

"Phil, I know it's been a while, but I've found Tommy. Things are a bit complicated, I'll meet you at the old house, and I'm bringing him with me. I'm about 2 hours out, I'll see you soon."

Phil POV

The house was a disaster, I was hurriedly scooping up old plates and trash that Wil had left out while I was gone out searching, when I heard a knock at the door. I ran over to the door expertly dodging bits and pieces of things I couldn't even begin to identify. Cautiously I opened the door peering around it slowly, it was Techno, carrying what seemed to be a lanky teenager with a potato sack on its head.

"I thought you said you were bringing Tommy, not some prisoner," I said, shaking my head.

"I wasn't about to take any chances, I didn't know if he'd even want to come with me. Do you have a place I can put him, he's starting to wake up," Technoblade responded.

"Uh... maybe his old room would work? It's probably the cleanest area for the moment, Wil's left the house in a bit of a state if you can tell."

He grunted in agreement and began carrying the kid upstairs. God, what a wreck this place was, I thought sighing internally, it would have to do though.

Delusion POV

I'd fallen asleep back on the horse, and when I came to I was in my old room, Tommy's old room. I corrected myself. How had I gotten back here, last I remembered Techno had captured me. Why did he bring me back here, was this some sick sadistic torture, making me relive my childhood?

I shuddered, and stood up, trying the door handle, fucking locked. Of course it would be, I closed my eyes, breathing in and out slowly. I needed to calm down, I wouldn't be in here forever, just a while, right?

I looked at where my window had once been, now just a bunch of boards nailed in place. I peeked through one of the larger gaps between boards and found that the view from my window hadn't changed much from when I had been a child in this place.

I whipped around at the sound of my door opening to find a man who had brown curly hair bursting out from under a beanie in the doorway.

"Hello Wilbur," I said coldly, my icy blue eyes piercing his warm brown ones.

My eyes flicked to the side as another figure appeared behind him, entering the room, another man, older, with blackened wings and a green robe. Blonde hair fell from his high head, ending just above his shoulders.

He suddenly stopped in his tracks, his eyes meeting my own, "No it can't be you, you died! I KILLED YOU!"

I stared back at him, my killer, my murderer, "Is that the way you greet your king, or should I say your son?" I smirked at the shocked look on Wilburs face as he looked at his father who cowered before me. I laughed looking down at Phil then I took his hand to try to help him up.

Phil jerked away from my touch, and I felt myself falter.

"Where is Tommy," he spat, looking away from me. I felt tiny fissures begin to crack and form in my heart. When I didn't answer, he slapped me across my face. I lightly touched the stinging spot on my cheek, the tension in the air was palpable. I felt a truth splash potion hit me then Phil's voice again, "Show me where Tommy is Delusion."

"I am Tommy, bitch."

What'd you think? >:) edit:I did gone done did a change so I could write the next chapter, it'll be out soon :D

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