Layne & Demri

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This is a collection of communications and insights I've picked up from both Layne and Demri's spirits about themselves and their relationship. These are just my personal experiences, please don't take any of this as gospel. Thanks.

From Demri - Right from the beginning, they totally fell in love with each other. It was like the heavens parted and it came over them at the same time. They both felt there was a spiritual connection to their love, as soulmates. Through it all, even in the depths of their addictions, even when they were no longer together, they still totally loved each other. Their bond endured all of it. She told me Layne was super gentle, sweet and romantic with her in the beginning.. He was her prince charming. She also said he wanted to get married right away in the beginning, like elope.  She loved him very much, but she also felt protective of him and wanted to shield him from more pain in the future, I talk about this more later. 

From Layne - He said he really loved Demri.  He was very angry and hurt by her behavior and deeply disappointed in her during periods of their relationship. She knew his weaknesses, and she used this to her advantage when she needed to. Her addiction played a large part in this. He had bad feelings towards her sometimes, but underneath all that he loved her very much. He wanted to get his payback or revenge on her, which he did through things like the Dirt album cover. He says he was not above being petty. They really did love each other through all of it. Love Hate Love was the perfect song for their relationship, he didn't mince words. Even though there was definitely some hate, Love always won in the end.

Demri was his kryptonite, he always had a weakness for her, no matter how bad things got. He admitted that he let her have too much power over him, especially in the beginning of their relationship. He told me that he died for her.  I always have felt he died from a broken heart. After she died he really lost most of his will to live. He missed her terribly.

Layne wanted to give everything to Demri, all he was, all he had. That was like giving himself to a ghost though, because she knew she wasn't long for this world. So the reason she didn't "give him what he wanted", by getting married etc., is because she was trying to protect him from even more heartbreak when she left. It would have been even worse if they were married and he would have probably killed himself immediately after she died.

He liked her because she was real and saw through all the bullshit.  She was very different from girls he had dated in the past. She just did her own thing and didn't seem to care what people thought of her. He was attracted to that and liked that about her.  He said "she got it" and it was rare to find people like that. He felt she really understood him and got him as a person, and that was absolutely huge for him.

I feel they both had major issues going on within themselves before they even met each other, and nothing brings up your 'stuff' more than connecting intensely with a soulmate when you're so young and you've got fame and addictions added to the mix.

On their early relationship - They did have genuine love for each other. Layne may have been her first real love with a man and it brought up major issues for her. Did she have Daddy issues? She might have. I feel she had major control issues. Their love was shown to me by Layne as a small, sacred flame they shared together. This small fire needed to be nurtured and protected, in order to grow. He knew, and was doing that and trying to protect their fragile new love and relationship as best he could.  He felt she was not, she was not protecting it and actually encouraging sabotage of it. She left it wide open.   All of the other factors were just too much for it, the storms were too much for the small flame to grow bigger..

Lastly, I know Demri gets a lot of hate, I see it online. I used to even have mixed feeling about her myself, before I really communicated with her. When I have communicated with her, she seems to be coming from a remorseful place because she knows she did things wrong in their relationship. He did too. He stresses that there is NO villain here. "No one corrupted me, I corrupted myself." Layne said about the subject. People are so eager to take up a side or a team, and that does not apply here.  Demri feels very light, sweet and poetic to me. She does not have a heavy energy. She is subtle and she loves it when people accept her and don't send her hate. She wasn't a bad person, just misunderstood, much like Layne was.  That's why they bonded so much, because they were kindred spirits.  

I also feel Demri was a free spirit and wouldn't limit or contain her love for others.   She had to be Bi and Poly, because that's who she was.  Even as much as she loved Layne, she still wouldn't change that integral part of herself for anyone.  

On their relationship on Earth vs. Spirit World 

 (channeled from Layne)

Picture this. Two actors are working together on a project/film that has very intense, fucked up subject matter and characters. It will be a long and involved project for both of them. After the project has ended, and the actors see each other on the street, do they react to each other the way their characters would've? Of course not, they are no longer playing those roles in the project.

So just because people may have had very intense relations here on Earth, doesn't necessarily mean that that energy carries over to the next world, it doesn't. "Soulmates" aren't joined at the hip through all eternity, like the books say. (He has also told me he does not like the term soulmate) 

"Our lives are like films, the people in them are actually spirits playing a role.  When we die here, we go home to the spirit world and hang out til the next project (life, that we design) comes along. It's a very creative process."  He says.

He says they have no animosity towards each other whatsoever and they still have love for one another, however they are independent of each other and they each "do their own thing" in the spirit world. He has his projects and she hers.  

I think both Layne and Demri were both really creative, beautiful and talented people.  I am sorry they didn't get to have a long term, "normal" relationship but I am very happy for the good times they had together.  He says it was never meant to be a lifelong thing with them.  They loved each other deeply and the experiences they had together makes up for the brief time here they shared.   I thank them both very much for being willing to share this part of their lives with me. 

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