Training Exercise

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I walked into the training room as Canary began to speak.
"Today's training session will focus only on Alice. As you may know it is hard for Alice to control herself after using mind control. So today we have brought in a very special guest to help her. So you all know she will turn on you and you are going to help her master this. she could possibly be a danger to the team with this power so we want it under control"
"Who did you bring in?"
To answer my question the door opened to reveal the joker with a bag on his head strapped to a chair.
"You have got to be kidding me! I'll go insane and seriously hurt everyone!" I stated.
"Your not going to hurt anyone because your going to stop yourself" said Canary.
" Fine lets do this." I said.
I stood I front of the basket case and just made him say a simple sentence. "Alice is the best superhero ever." The Joker bellowed. I giggled but the laughter was short lived because like that I went crazy. "Look it's a little birdy. Tweet tweet! Haha, I think this birdy isn't cooked yet. Lets fix that!" I screamed. I darted toward Robin and shot several lightning bolts at him. He dodged them all.
"I know you can do it Alice! Just believe. Its us remember" said Wally.
"Speedy Gonzales thinks he can get me back by just saying a few words does he? Well how would you like the kiss of death since you like me so much!" I darted through all the light fixtures finally stopping and dropping in front of Wally. I pecked him on the lips and he slowly began to loose his breath. He coughed and choked and as he did this I realized what I had done. Snapping out of it I leaned over Wally. He had been unconscious for a little bit and I hoped he wasn't too far gone. I was a centimeter away when I whispered, "please let this work" I rested my lips on his and he began to regain consciousness. He sat up and I hugged him as tight as I could.
"I don't wanna do it again" I said.
"But you made such great progress and I kn---" I cut Canary off "I said not again"I whispered angrily.
"I understand" said Canary. As I walked out of the training room I knocked over Jokers chair and he fell onto his face. "Have a nice rest of your life in prison Asshole!"

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